We investigated the effect of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) deficiency on the susceptibility to bypass graft occlusion in 62 patients with coronary heart disease. MBL deficiency appeared to be associated with occlusion (p = 0.0099). A high level of anti-cardiolipin IgG as well as the number of venous bypass grafts were also involved (p = 0.0018 and p = 0.0104, respectively). Since early occlusion (<5 years after surgery) of a venous bypass graft is considered to be caused by thrombosis or fibro-intimal hyperplasia superimposed by thrombosis, our finding also implies an association of MBL deficiency with thrombotic events. It remains unclear whether the previously confirmed effect of MBL deficiency in coronary disease is mediated through this possible thrombotic mechanism, or whether plaque formation is also involved in the process. Further studies are clearly warranted.