Objectives: Refractory angina patients suffer debilitating chest pain despite optimal medical therapy and previous cardiovascular intervention. Cardiac rehabilitation is often not prescribed due to a lack of evidence regarding potential efficacy and patient suitability. A randomised controlled study was undertaken to explore the impact of cardiac rehabilitation on cardiovascular risk factors, physical ability, quality of life and psychological morbidity among refractory angina sufferers. Methods: Forty-two refractory angina patients (65.1 ± 7.3 years) were randomly assigned to an 8-week Phase III cardiac rehabilitation program or symptom diary control. Physical assessment, Progressive Shuttle Walk test, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Health Anxiety Questionnaire, the York Angina Beliefs scale, ENRICHD Social Support Instrument and SF-36 were completed before and after intervention and at 8-week follow-up. Results: Following cardiac rehabilitation, patients demonstrated improved physical ability compared with controls in Progressive Shuttle Walk level attainment (p = 0.005) and total distance covered (p = 0.015). Angina frequency and severity remained unchanged in both groups, with the control demonstrating worsening SF-36 pain scale (63.43 ± 22.28 vs. 55.46 ± 23.98, p = 0.025). Cardiac rehabilitation participants showed improved Health Anxiety Questionnaire reassurance (1.71 ± 1.72 vs. 1.14 ± 1.23, p = 0.026) and York Beliefs anginal threat perception (12.42 ± 4.58 vs. 14.35 ± 4.73, p = 0.05) after cardiac rehabilitation. Physical measures were broadly unaffected. Conclusions: Cardiac rehabilitation can be prescribed to improve physical ability without affecting angina frequency or severity among patients with refractory angina.