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Keywords: Hyperglycemia
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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2018) 50 (2): 597–611.
Published Online: 12 October 2018
...Yuan-Li Huang; Yueh-Chien Lin; Chu-Cheng Lin; Wei-Min Chen; Benjamin P.C. Chen; Hsinyu Lee Background/Aims: Hyperglycemia has been shown to increase the incidence and metastasis in various types of cancers. However, the correlation between hyperglycemia and lymphatic metastasis in prostate cancer...
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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2018) 46 (5): 1879–1894.
Published Online: 26 April 2018
... formation assay, respectively. Regenerated nerves were determined by transmission electron microscope. Results: Higher levels of inflammatory factors and VEGF expression were found in DPN patients. Cellular experiments indicate that Nrf2 expression inhibits hyperglycemia-induced apoptosis and promotes...
Journal Articles
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Journal Articles
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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2016) 38 (5): 2041–2052.
Published Online: 11 May 2016
...Wen-Juan Li; Qian-Qian Guo; Lara Gharibeh; Rang Xu; Sun Chen; Kun Sun Background/Aims: Cardiac myocytes constitute the first differentiated cell type during mammalian heart formation with the ability to beat spontaneously and rhythmically. Hyperglycemia is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular...
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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2013) 32 (4): 960–971.
Published Online: 01 October 2013
... in gene expression were analyzed with the 2(-Delta C(T)) method [ 24 ]. Specificity of RT-PCR was checked by analyzing melting curves and by gel-electrophoresis of the amplicons. High glucose Hyperglycemia Diabetes STAT1 STAT3 ERK1/2 Cardiac fibroblast Collagens I and III Cardiac fibrosis...
Journal Articles
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2013) 32 (3): 719–727.
Published Online: 13 September 2013
...Jing Pang; Chao Xi; Junhua Jin; Yiwen Han; Tie-mei Zhang Background/Aims: Insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes results from a combination of hyperglycemia and elevated free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations. However, the individual effects of glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity on cell function have...
Journal Articles
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2011) 28 (2): 323–328.
Published Online: 16 August 2011
...Durdi Qujeq; Mohsen Pourghasm; Gholamali Joursaraei; Farideh Feiyzi; Mehrdad Farsi; Alieh S. Faraji The present study explored whether mononuclear cells derived from human umbilical cord blood could resolve hyperglycemia. In order to test this hypothesis, mononuclear cells derived from Human...
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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (2010) 25 (2-3): 203–210.
Published Online: 12 January 2010
... to in the content or advertisements. Gum arabic Glucose transport Obesity Hyperglycemia Hyperinsulinism Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry Original Paper Cell Physiol Biochem 2010;25:203-210 Accepted: October 08, 2009 Downregulation of Mouse Intestinal Na+-coupled Glucose Transporter SGLT1 by Gum...
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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry (1997) 7 (1): 53–60.
Published Online: 04 September 2008
... or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. 1997 NK cell Diabetes Hyperglycemia cAMP Cellular Physiology and Biochem istry...