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Keywords: Conjunctivitis
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Ophthalmol (2024) 15 (1): 751–756.
Published Online: 25 October 2024
... Ophthalmomyiasis Oestrus ovis Conjunctivitis Sheep bot fly Myiasis is a parasitic tissue infestation that affects humans and animals, especially livestock [ 1 ]. It is caused by the larvae of Diptera flies, which is an order of insects that encompass approximately 150,000 species, such as O. ovis...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Ophthalmol (2023) 14 (1): 647–653.
Published Online: 24 November 2023
... to in the content or advertisements. 2023 Monkeypox Conjunctivitis Eye discharge Case report Monkeypox (MPX), a zoonotic disease caused by an orthopoxyvirus, has recently reemerged raising concern worldwide. Although there is a wide array of symptoms and presentations, it most often presents...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Ophthalmol (2022) 13 (3): 979–983.
Published Online: 18 November 2022
...-infections have been described. We report on a case of bilateral conjunctivitis, keratitis, and anterior uveitis that occurred in a patient co-infected by B19V and SARS-CoV-2. A young nurse developed, 20 days after the onset of asthenia and fever, a maculopapular rash and, in the following month, B19V...
Journal Articles
Case Rep Ophthalmol (2021) 12 (1): 311–314.
Published Online: 30 April 2021
... the injection site and a central infiltrate at the injection site consistent with infection of Tenon’s capsule and the conjunctiva. Infection of a vitreous wick was considered, but vitreous inflammation was not present. Acute bacterial tenonitis and conjunctivitis were diagnosed, and the patient was prescribed...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Ophthalmol (2021) 12 (1): 146–149.
Published Online: 12 April 2021
..., Farah ME, Santos MA, Höfling-Lima AL. Evaluation of normal ocular bacterial flora with two different culture media. Can J Ophthalmol . 2005 Aug;40(4):448–53. 2. Brennecke HA. The Streptococcus pyogenes the cause of Diphtheritic conjunctivitis in a case of measles. Meeting of Chicago Pathological...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Case Rep Ophthalmol (2010) 1 (2): 53–55.
Published Online: 13 September 2010
... for 4 months, and the patient was treated as suffering from relapsing conjunctivitis. The slit lamp examination revealed keratitis due to exposure, related with the deficient closure of the eyelids. There was a 2 mm difference in the readings with the Hertel exophthalmometry examination between the eyes...