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Keywords: Epstein-Barr virus
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Journal Articles
Journal: Complement
Complement and Inflammation (1989) 6 (3): 142–165.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Receptors Herpes simplex virus Epstein-Barr virus Candida albicans...
Journal Articles
Journal: Complement
Complement (1991) 8 (5-6): 271–280.
Published Online: 11 August 2017
...Eitan Yefenof; Ignacio Algarra; Oscar F. Ramos; Eva Klein Human B cell lines were tested for the capacity to convert C3 to C3b/iC3b through the alternative C pathway (ACP) and to fix the generated C3 fragments. The panel of lines included four Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-negative Burkitt’s lymphomas...