Introduction: Scabies is a highly contagious infestation that is becoming increasingly resistant to treatment. The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has gradually increased for numerous diseases, and the aim of this study is to investigate the parental use of CAM in the treatment of scabies. Methods: The study was planned as a cross-sectional study involving children who came to the departments of child health and diseases and dermatology departments for any reason and were diagnosed with scabies. Questionnaires were given to parents by physicians during face-to-face interviews, and responses were recorded. Results: 75.9% of the 162 parents participating in the study were mothers, and 40% of the parents reported that their income was below expenses. The mean number of people living in the household was 4 (min 3–max 13), and the proportion of extended family was 34%. The mean duration of symptoms in patients with scabies was 4.8 ± 3.92 weeks (min. 1–max. 27), and scabies was diagnosed on average at the second visit to the doctor. CAM was used by 80.9% of parents for children with scabies. They most commonly used tea tree oil for itching and ice for the rash. Parents working in education and health care were less likely to use CAM (p < 0.001), while more than 90% of housewives used at least one CAM method on their children. Analysis showed that 61.7% of female users had benefited from CAM. Significant differences between parents who used CAM and those who did not were found in education (p = 0.003), monthly income (p = 0.023), number of children (p = 0.022), and living in large families (p = 0.001). The use of CAM was six times higher in parents in large families (OR: 6.143, 95% CI 0.776–21.252). Conclusions: With regard to the treatment of scabies, it is important to strengthen the education of health professionals at all levels, put the treatment of patients on a regular basis, explain the conditions that require special attention, and monitor patients closely. New treatment protocols must also be developed for refractory scabies, including alternative therapies.

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