Background: Ginger has been used as a galactagogue in Southeast Asian countries. However, limited evidence of its effect has been reported. This systematic review summarizes the efficacy and safety of ginger regarding human milk volume. Methods: A systematic review was conducted. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) which studied the effect of ginger on human milk volume were included. The primary outcome was 24-h human milk volume. Results: We found five RCTs. Two studies reported ginger as a single intervention, while three studies reported ginger in a combination with other herbs. We found that ginger could enhance human milk volume in mothers with vaginal births. It failed to improve human milk volume in mothers with cesarian section (C-section). Ginger in several combination products has been shown to be effective in enhancing human milk volume, including ginger with pandan, with turmeric and fenugreek, and with Xiong-gui-tiao-xue-yin. No adverse effect directly related to ginger was reported. Discussion: Ginger could be used to enhance human milk volume in mothers with vaginal births, but not in mothers with C-section. Combined ginger products could also be considered to improve human milk volume. These findings could guide healthcare providers or mothers to consider using ginger to increase human milk production.