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Keywords: Centromere
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2024) 164 (3-4): 170–179.
Published Online: 01 October 2024
...Elena V. Evtushenko; Sima S. Gatzkaya; Petr I. Stepochkin; Alexander V. Vershinin Introduction: In chromatin nucleosomes, the presence – instead of canonical histone H3 – of its variant, CENH3 (in plants), is considered the most reliable marker of the location of centromeres. In this study, we...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2022) 162 (3): 148–160.
Published Online: 11 October 2022
... at the pachytene stage, and centromere proteins, we describe male pachytene karyotypes of 17 species of birds. This method enables higher resolution than the conventional analyses of metaphase chromosomes. We provide the first descriptions of the karyotypes of 3 species (rook, Blyth’s reed warbler, and European...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2021) 161 (1-2): 93–102.
Published Online: 18 February 2021
...Nadezhda G. Ivanova; Dmitrii Ostromyshenskii; Olga Podgornaya Constitutive heterochromatin is the most mysterious part of the eukaryotic genome. It forms vital chromosome regions such as the centromeric and the pericentromeric ones. The main component of heterochromatic regions are tandem repeats...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2017) 151 (4): 191–197.
Published Online: 12 May 2017
...Lisa De Lorenzi; Alessandra Iannuzzi; Elena Rossi; Stefania Bonacina; Pietro Parma Eukaryotic organisms have developed a structure, called centromere, able to preserve the integrity of the genome during cell division. A young bull from the Marchigiana breed, with a normal external phenotype...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2016) 150 (2): 118–127.
Published Online: 26 January 2017
...Miluse Vozdova; Svatava Kubickova; Halina Cernohorska; Jan Fröhlich; Jiri Rubes Satellite DNA is a characteristic component of mammalian centromeric heterochromatin, and a comparative analysis of its evolutionary dynamics can be used for phylogenetic studies. We analysed satellite and satellite...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2015) 147 (4): 212–216.
Published Online: 22 March 2016
...Susumu Uchiyama; Kiichi Fukui After replication of genomic DNA during the S phase, 2 chromatids hold together longitudinally. When cells enter mitosis, the paired sister chromatids start to condense and then segregate into individual chromatids except for the centromeric region. Upon attachment...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2015) 147 (2-3): 161–168.
Published Online: 12 February 2016
..., distribution, dynamics, and genome organization, and participates in the evolutionary diversification of different vertebrate species. Repetitive sequences are usually located in the heterochromatin of centromeric and telomeric regions of chromosomes, contributing to chromosomal structures. Therefore, the aim...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2014) 144 (2): 114–123.
Published Online: 21 October 2014
...Solomon G. Nergadze; Elisa Belloni; Francesca M. Piras; Lela Khoriauli; Alice Mazzagatti; Francesco Vella; Mirella Bensi; Valerio Vitelli; Elena Giulotto; Elena Raimondi Centromeres are the sites of kinetochore assembly and spindle fiber attachment and consist of protein-DNA complexes in which...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2012) 137 (1): 31–41.
Published Online: 11 July 2012
... peanut and a possible karyotyping of peanut chromosomes by FISH. In particular, a 115-bp tandem repetitive sequence was identified to be a possible centromere repetitive DNA, mainly localized in the centromeres of B chromosomes, and a partial retrotransposable element was also identified...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2012) 136 (4): 256–263.
Published Online: 10 May 2012
... of our work was to investigate the breakpoints of the (1;14) translocation leading to the der(1;14). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments have been performed on chromosome preparations from bone marrow aspirate, using specific centromeric probes of both chromosomes, as well as a probe...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2011) 135 (2): 160–166.
Published Online: 17 September 2011
...L. Feitoza; M. Guerra The centromeric region of Costus spiralis is characteristically composed of a small heterochromatic DAPI + band flanked by a discrete decondensed region. High concentrations of serine 10 of histone H3 (H3S10ph) around the DAPI + band in pachytene chromosomes and the location...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2011) 134 (3): 182–190.
Published Online: 29 June 2011
... whole-scale genome dominance has been well documented in natural hybrids among closely related species, an examination of centromere position and sequence retention in 2 marsupial-eutherian hybrids has revealed a mechanism for ‘centromere dominance’ as a driving force in the generation of stable somatic...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2011) 134 (2): 151–162.
Published Online: 05 May 2011
...M. Cuacos; M. González-García; M. González-Sánchez; M.J. Puertas; J.M. Vega An interstitial constriction located on the long arm of rye chromosome 5R (5RL) shows neocentromeric activity at meiosis. In some meiocytes this region is strongly stretched orienting with the true centromere to opposite...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2010) 129 (1-3): 82–96.
Published Online: 11 June 2010
...M. Guerra; G. Cabral; M. Cuacos; M. González-García; M. González-Sánchez; J. Vega; M.J. Puertas The centromere appears as a single constriction at mitotic metaphase in most eukaryotic chromosomes. Holokinetic chromosomes are the exception to this rule because they do not show any centromeric...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2010) 129 (1-3): 64–71.
Published Online: 26 May 2010
... is either a bit of both, depending on the tissue being studied, or still remains to be determined. The centromeres are the most dynamic and least well understood part of the nucleus, subject to rapid evolutionary change and with an epigenetic mark based on a special form of histone CENH3. Nonetheless...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2009) 126 (1-2): 148–155.
Published Online: 09 December 2009
..., not completely condensed but heterochromatic segments were found to be an attribute of the short arms of submetacentric microchromosomes in Japanese quail. These heterochromatic regions are variable in length and do not form chiasmata in female germ cells. Dissimilarity in the centromere positions in chicken...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2009) 124 (3-4): 268–276.
Published Online: 25 June 2009
.... Centromere Coleoptera Heterochromatin Satellite DNA Transcription Beetles of the family Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) are characterized by a significant amount of pericentromeric heterochromatin on all chromosomes. Molecular analysis of heterochromatic DNA revealed satellite DNAs as prevalent...