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Keywords: 5-Methylcytosine
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2019) 157 (1-2): 53–64.
Published Online: 15 January 2019
...Michael Schmid; Claus Steinlein; Alina M. Reiter; Michail Rovatsos; Marie Altmanová; Sofia Mazzoleni; Martina Johnson Pokorná; Lukáš Kratochvíl An experimental approach using monoclonal anti-5-methylcytosine antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence was elaborated for detecting 5-methylcytosine...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2017) 152 (1): 38–45.
Published Online: 18 May 2017
...Michael Schmid; Claus Steinlein; Christian Lomb; Marianne Volleth 5-Methylcytosine-rich heterochromatic regions were demonstrated in metaphase chromosomes of 5 species of Chiroptera by indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-5-methylcytosine antibody. These species belong to 4 genera...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2015) 147 (4): 240–246.
Published Online: 10 March 2016
...Michael Schmid; Claus Steinlein; Christian Lomb; Karl Sperling; Heidemarie Neitzel Two 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC)-rich heterochromatic regions were demonstrated in metaphase chromosomes of the Indian muntjac by indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-5-MeC antibody. The metaphases were...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2015) 147 (2-3): 169–178.
Published Online: 20 February 2016
...Michael Schmid; Claus Steinlein; Cassia F. Yano; Marcelo B. Cioffi Sites and amounts of 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC)-rich chromosome regions were detected in the karyotypes of 9 Brazilian species of Characiformes fishes by indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-5-MeC antibody...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Cytogenet Genome Res (2011) 135 (2): 160–166.
Published Online: 17 September 2011
...)) and heterochromatin (dimethylated lysine 9 of H3 (H3K9me2) and anti-5-methylcytosine (5-mC)) were used to characterize the centromeric chromatin of this species during meiosis. In pachytene chromosomes, the decondensed terminal euchromatin of the chromosome arms were seen to be richer in H4K5ac and H3K4me2 histones...