The distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 5 (5q) contains a large number of genes encoding membrane receptors belonging to various gene families, including G protein-coupled adrenergic receptors. Previous reports indicated that the genes for two of the adrenergic receptors, ADRB2 and ADRA1B, were within 300 kb of one another on 5q. In an effort to determine if a third adrenergic receptor assigned to 5q, ADRA1A, was physically close to the genes encoding the other adrenergic receptors, we attempted to place all three loci on a radiation hybrid map of 5q. The results conflicted with previous mapping results in two ways. First, ADRA1B is on 5q but is several million bases, rather than a few hundred thousand bases, from ADRB2. Second, ADRAl A is not on chromosome 5, but rather on chromosome 20. Thus, even though 5q contains an extraordinary number of genes encoding receptors for various hormones, growth factors, and neurotransmitters, there is no particular clustering of genes encoding adrenergic receptors in this region.