Using somatic cell genetics and Southern blot hybridization, we have mapped five structural genes in the owl monkey, coding for catalase (CAT), the β-globin gene cluster (HBBC), c-Ha-ras 1 (HRAS1), insulin (INS), and parathyroid hormone (PTH). All five loci are mapped to chromosome 19 of karyotype VI (2n = 49,50) of the owl monkey; CAT, HBBC, INS, and PTH can be assigned to chromosome 4 of karyotype V (2n = 46), while CAT and HBBC can be assigned to chromosome 2 of karyotype III (2n = 53). Using in situ hybridization, the CAT gene was precisely mapped on the mid-region and the β-globin gene cluster on the telomeric end of chromosome 2q(K-ΠI). Our results provide significant insight into the evolutionary history of these gene loci. While these loci are separated into at least two major segments in rodents such as the mouse, our results suggest conservation of a single chromosome arm among higher primates.