The karyotypes and other chromosomal markers of 4 catfish species, namely Lasiancistrus schomburgkii, Lasiancistrus sp., Araichthysloro, and Megalancistrus sp., members of a taxonomically complex and speciose tribe of catfishes Ancistrini, Hypostominae, were examined using conventional (Giemsa staining, Ag-NOR, and C-banding) and molecular cytogenetic protocols (FISH) and DNA barcoding. In L. schomburgkii, Lasiancistrus sp., and A.loro a diploid number 2n = 54 was observed, with karyotypes composed of 28m + 16sm + 10st, 36m + 12sm + 6st chromosomes, while Megalancistrus sp. had 2n = 52, with the karyotype composed of 28m + 16sm + 8st chromosomes. The Ag-NOR phenotypes were simple in all 4 species, which was confirmed by FISH with an 18S rDNA probe. However, the positive 5S rDNA sites varied among species: 2 chromosome pairs in L. schomburgkii, Lasiancistrus sp., and A. loro, and only 1 pair in Megalancistrus sp. The blocks of constitutive heterochromatin were poorly visible in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions of most chromosomes of the examined species by C-banding. The genetic distance analysis, based on mtDNA COI gene sequences (DNA barcoding), confirmed the species as 4 taxonomic units. Ours and other published data indicate that karyotype differentiation among Ancistrini is complex and divergent and indicates the occurrence of common chromosomal rearrangements, such as pericentric inversions conserving the diploid number, and other rearrangements that are more frequent in some genera, such as centric fusions in Ancistrus.

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