ULK4 and BRWD3 deletions have been identified in patients with developmental/language delay and intellectual disability. Both genes play pivotal roles in brain development. In particular, ULK4 encodes serine/threonine kinases that are critical for the development and function of the nervous system, while BRWD3 plays a crucial role in ubiquitination, as part of the ubiquitin/proteasome system. We report on 2 brothers, aged 7.6 and 20 years, presenting with cognitive impairment, epilepsy, autistic features, hearing loss, and obesity. Array-CGH analysis demonstrated 2 rare CNVs in both siblings: a paternally inherited microdeletion of ∼145 kb at 3p22.1, disrupting the ULK4 gene, and a maternally inherited microduplication of ∼117 kb at Xq21.1 including only the BRWD3 gene. As already described for other recurrent syndromes with variable phenotype, these findings are challenging in genetic counseling because of an evident variable penetrance. We discuss the possible correlations between the clinical phenotype of our patients and the function of the genes involved in these microrearrangements.