Multiple copies of B chromosomes in maize (Zea mays) can accumulate in the genome using the B chromosome’s accumulation mechanism, specifically nondisjunction at the second pollen mitosis and preferential fertilization of the egg. Using this mechanism, we accumulated 4 different-sized minichromosomes derived from the B chromosome to test the chromosome limits of the cell. The accumulation of normal B chromosomes is associated with multiple phenotypes including white stripes and asymmetric leaf blades, but when minichromosomes are accumulated these symptoms are absent. We also found that multiple B chromosome-derived minichromosomes can coexist with A chromosome-derived minichromosomes. During the years that these experiments were conducted, we found many B chromosome rearrangements and fragments, 2 recoverable A chromosome fragments, and observed a minichromosome breakage-fusion-bridge cycle in roots.

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