The species-specific profile and centromeric heterochromatin localization of satellite DNA in mammalian genomes imply that satellite DNA may play an important role in mammalian karyotype evolution and speciation. A satellite III DNA family, CCsatIII was thought to be specific to roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). In this study, however, this satellite DNA family was found also to exist in Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis) by PCR-Southern screening. A satellite III DNA element of this species was then generated from PCR-cloning by amplifying this satellite element using primer sequences from the roe deer satellite III clone (CCsatIII). The newly generated satellite III DNA along with previously obtained satellite I and II DNA clones were used as probes for FISH studies to investigate the genomic distribution and organization of these three satellite DNA families in centromeric heterochromatin regions of Chinese water deer chromosomes. Satellite I and II DNA were observed in the pericentric/centric regions of all chromosomes, whereas satellite III was distributed on 38 out of 70 chromosomes. The distribution and orientation of satellite DNAs I, II and III in the centromeric heterochromatin regions of the genome were further classified into four different types. The existence of a Capreolus-like satellite III in Chinese water deer implies that satellite III is not specific to the genus Capreolus (Buntjer et al., 1998) and supports the molecular phylogeny classification of Randi et al. (1998) which suggests that Chinese water deer and roe deer are closely related.

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