The mitotic chromosomes in primary embryonic cultured cells of eight translocation stocks of Mus musculus were identified by their distinctive fluorescent banding patterns after staining with quinacrine mustard. By correlation of cytologic and genetic information, linkage group (LG) X was assigned to chromosome 7 and LG VIII to chromosome 5. Several earlier assignments were confirmed: LG I to chromosome 8, LG V to chromosome 2, LG XII to chromosome 19, LG XIII to chromosome 1, and LG XVIII to chromosome 9. In addition, chromosomes 4, 17, and 18 were identified in translocations, but the available genetic data did not permit linkage-group assignments. The centromere of chromosome 8 was located at the nv (Nijmegen waltzer) end of LG I by the two-breakpoint method. The position of the centromere of chromosome 1 at the fz (fuzzy) end of LG XIII and that of chromosome 9 at the nr (nervous) end of LG XVIII were confirmed by the same method.