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January 2020
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ISSN 1015-9770
EISSN 1421-9786
In this Issue
Cerebrovascular Diseases 2019, Vol. 48, No. 3-6
Latin American Consensus Statement for the Use of Contrast-Enhanced Transcranial Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Test for Detection of Right-to-Left Shunt
Viviane Flumignan Zetola; Marcos Christiano Lange; Valeria Cristina Scavasine; Rodrigo Bazan; Gabriel Pereira Braga; Ana Claudia C.B. Leite; Soraia R. Cabette Fabio; Octavio Marques Pontes Neto; Carla Heloisa Cabral Moro; Gisele Sampaio; Edson Bor-Seng Shu; Marcelo de Lima Oliveira; Maramelia A. de Miranda Alves; Daniela Laranja Gomes; Pedro Antonio Pereira de Jesus; Jamary Oliveira-Filho; Wagner Mauad Avelar; Gabriel R. de Freitas; Rafael Borsoi; Corina Puppo; Silvia Viviana Cocorullo; Alejandro Brunser; Ayrton Massaro; Natan M. Bornstein; Alexander Razumovsky; Massimo Del Sette
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 99–108.
Original Paper
Major Causes for Not Performing Endovascular Therapy Following Inter-Hospital Transfer in a Complex Urban Setting
Jacob R. Morey; Neha S. Dangayach; Hazem Shoirah; Jacopo Scaggiante; J Mocco; Stanley Tuhrim; Johanna T. Fifi; for the Mount Sinai Stroke Investigators
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 109–114.
Recanalization of Emergent Large Intracranial Vessel Occlusion through Intravenous Thrombolysis: Frequency, Clinical Outcome, and Reperfusion Pattern
Carmen Serna Candel; Marta Aguilar Pérez; Victoria Hellstern; Muhammad AlMatter; Hansjörg Bäzner; Hans Henkes
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 115–123.
Diagnostic Value of Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Imaging on the Onset Type of Vertebral Artery Dissection
Atsushi Saito; Miki Fujimura; Hidenori Endo; Shunsuke Omodaka; Atsushi Kanoke; Kenichi Sato; Teiji Tominaga
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 124–131.
Biomarkers of Cardiac Dysfunction as Risk Factors in Cryptogenic Stroke
Yohei Tateishi; Tadashi Kanamoto; Kairi Yamashita; Takuro Hirayama; Shunsuke Yoshimura; Teiichiro Miyazaki; Akira Tsuneto; Koji Maemura; Yoichi Morofuji; Nobutaka Horie; Tsuyoshi Izumo; Hirokazu Shiraishi; Akira Tsujino
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 132–139.
Imaging of Carotid Plaque Neovascularization by Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mattia Cattaneo; Jie Sun; Daniel Staub; Dongxiang Xu; Jeanne Marie Gallino; Paolo Santini; Alessandra P. Porretta; Chun Yuan; Niranjan Balu; Marcel Arnold; Alberto Froio; Costanzo Limoni; Rolf Wyttenbach; Augusto Gallino
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 140–148.
Secular Trends of Stroke Epidemiology in Örebro, Sweden, 2017 Compared to the Trends in 1999: A Population-Based Study
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 149–156.
Safety of Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Thrombocytopenia
Yifeng Yang; Baoqiong Liu; Lingling Wu; Xuan Guan; Yiming Luo; Changchuan Jiang; Sonali Gupta; Zhihua Huang; George Everett
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 157–164.
Which Patients Require Physician-Led Inter-Hospital Transport in View of Endovascular Therapy?
Franck Leibinger; Denis Sablot; Laurène Van Damme; Nicolas Gaillard; Ludovic Nguyen Them; Marlène Lachcar; Nathalie Duchateau; Caroline Arquizan; Geoffroy Farouil; Majo Ibanez; Céline Pujol; Bénédicte Fadat; Thibaut Allou; Francis Coll; Laurent Benayoun; Julie Mas; Philippe Smadja; Adelaïde Ferraro-Allou; Isabelle Mourand; Anais Dutray; Maxime Tardieu; Snejana Jurici; Jean-Marie Bonnec; Nadège Olivier; Sandra Cardini; Sabine Aptel; Ana-Maria Marquez; Adrian Dumitrana; Vincent Costalat; Alain Bonafe
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 171–178.
Polysomnography Utilization in Veterans Presenting Acutely with Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
Brian B. Koo; Jason J. Sico; Laura J. Myers; Anthony J. Perkins; Deborah Levine; Edward J. Miech; Teresa M. Damush; Nicholas Rattray; Barbara Homoya; Jared Ferguson; Jennifer Myers; Ying Zhang; Dawn M. Bravata
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 179–183.
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis at High Altitude: Analysis of 28 Cases
Wahaj Ul Hassan; Maryam J. Syed; Wasim Alamgir; Safia Awan; Simon M. Bell; Arshad Majid; Mohammad Wasay
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 184–192.
Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Hemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 193–199.
The Effect of Body Mass Index on Outcome after Endovascular Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Post Hoc Analysis of the MR CLEAN Trial
France Anne Victoire Pirson; Wouter H. Hinsenveld; Julie Staals; Bianca T.A. de Greef; Wim H. van Zwam; Diederik W.J. Dippel; Jan Albert Vos; Wouter J. Schonewille; Robert J. van Oostenbrugge; on behalf of MR CLEAN investigators
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 200–206.
Interaction of Blood Pressure Lowering and Alteplase Dose in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Results of the Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke Study
Xia Wang; Lili Song; Jie Yang; Lingli Sun; Tom J. Moullaali; Else Charlotte Sandset; Candice Delcourt; Richard I. Lindley; Thompson G. Robinson; Jatinder S. Minhas; Hisatomi Arima; John Chalmers; Jong S. Kim; Vijay Sharma; Ji-Guang Wang; Octávio Pontes-Neto; Pablo M. Lavados; Verónica V. Olavarría; Tsong-Hai Lee; Christopher Levi; Sheila O. Martins; Nguyen H. Thang; Craig S. Anderson; on behalf of the ENCHANTED Investigators
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 207–216.
Significance of Quantitative Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement in the Acute Stage after Revascularization Surgery for Adult Moyamoya Disease: Implication for the Pathological Threshold of Local Cerebral Hyperperfusion
Masayuki Kameyama; Miki Fujimura; Ryosuke Tashiro; Kenichi Sato; Hidenori Endo; Kuniyasu Niizuma; Shunji Mugikura; Teiji Tominaga
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 217–225.
Predictors of Significant Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Cerebral Artery Atherosclerosis
Ji Woong Roh; Beom-Jun Kwon; Sang-Hyun Ihm; Sungmin Lim; Chan-Seok Park; Kiyuk Chang; Wook Sung Chung; Dong-Bin Kim; Seong-Rim Kim; Hee-Yeol Kim
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 226–235.
Risk Stratification for Ischemic Cerebrovascular Events and Mortality among Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients with and without Atrial Fibrillation: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Peter Brønnum Nielsen; Thure Filskov Overvad; Søren Due Andersen; Torben Bjerregaard Larsen; Flemming Skjøth; Mette Søgaard; Gregory Y.H. Lip
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 236–243.
Pattern of Activated Pathways and Quality of Collateral Status in Patients with Symptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion
Florian Connolly; Jens E. Röhl; Javier Lopez-Prieto; Leon A. Danyel; Stephan J. Schreiber; Jose M. Valdueza
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 244–250.
Evaluation of Patients with High National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale as Thrombectomy Candidates Using the Kentucky Appalachian Stroke Registry
Parneet Grewal; Michael R. Dobbs; Keith Pennypacker; Richard J. Kryscio; Patrick Kitzman; Marc Wolfe; Kelley Elkins; Gregory J. Bix; Justin F. Fraser
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 48 (3-6): 251–256.