The only randomized data on heparin treatment in acute cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (CSVT) are derived from a small number of patients. The rate of intracranial hemorrhages as a complication of high-dose heparin treatment is still unknown. This retrospective study evaluates the clinical features, neuroimaging monitoring and outcome of 42 patients with proven CSVT. Diagnosis was established by DSA, CT, MR tomography and MR angiography. All patients received heparin intravenously guided by doubling the aPTT value for 3 weeks, followed by oral anticoagulation. Partial or complete recanalization was found in 36 cases. 40 patients improved clinically, in 26 of them complete recovery was observed. One patient deteriorated and developed an apallic syndrome, one further patient died of septic multiorgan failure. Only in one patient was hemorrhagic transformation of infarcted brain tissue observed but without clinical deterioration.

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