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Keywords: Hyperhidrosis
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Journal Articles
Case Rep Dermatol (2025) 17 (1): 9–13.
Published Online: 25 November 2024
...Stefano Veraldi; Rossana Schianchi; Italo Francesco Aromolo; Gianluca Nazzaro Introduction: Pitted keratolysis (PK) is a superficial bacterial infection located almost exclusively on the soles. The most important predisposing factor is hyperhidrosis. PK is characterized by small, isolated...
Journal Articles
Case Rep Dermatol (2010) 2 (2): 146–148.
Published Online: 19 August 2010
... bacteria, particularly Corynebacterium . Increases in skin surface pH, hyperhidrosis, and prolonged occlusion allow these bacteria to proliferate. The diagnosis is fundamentally clinical and treatment generally consists of a combination of hygienic measures, correcting plantar hyperhidrosis and topical...