Background/Aims: To study transmembrane clearance (CLTM) and adsorption of tedizolid, a novel oxazolidinone antibiotic, in continuous hemofiltration (CVVH) and continuous hemodialysis (CVVHD). Methods: In vitro CVVH/CVVHD models with polysulfone and AN69 hemodiafilters were used. Tedizolid CLTM during CVVH/CVVHD was assessed at various ultrafiltrate (Quf) and dialysate rates (Qd). Tedizolid adsorption was tested in a recirculating CVVH model over 4 h. Results: In CVVH, CLTM did not differ between filter types. In CVVHD, tedizolid CLTM was significantly higher with the polysulfone hemodiafilter at Qd 6 l/h (p < 0.02). Tedizolid exhibited irreversible adsorption to the CRRT apparatus and bound significantly higher to the polysulfone hemodiafilter. Conclusion: Tedizolid's CLTM is dependent on Qd, Quf, and hemodiafilter type. At conventional CRRT rates, tedizolid CLTM appears modest relative to total body clearance and is unlikely to require dose adjustments. CRRT adsorption in the clinical setting is likely less than what we observed in this in vitro, continuously recirculating blood model.