Novel low-glucose degradation products (GDP) peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluids have an improved biocompatibility profile as compared to standard fluids. Clinical studies suggest that their use may be associated with favorable clinical outcomes; however, large prospective randomized studies addressing clinical endpoints such as patient and technique survival are presently lacking. Nevertheless, as their only disadvantage is their cost, they are already being used as the standard treatment by many adult PD centers. This policy is also in line with the latest recommendations from the European Pediatric Dialysis Working Group which advises that conventional, single-chamber PD solutions should be replaced by PD solutions with reduced GDP content. The use of icodextrin, the glucose polymer PD solution, is recommended for patients with high or high-average peritoneal transport and/or ultrafiltration problems who otherwise would resort to hypertonic (3.86% glucose) exchanges.

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