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Blood Purification

Editor: Ronco, C. (Vicenza, Italy)

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The Expert Source of Research and Practice for Nephrologists, Cardiologists, and Critical Care Physicians

Practical information on hemodialysis, hemofiltration, peritoneal dialysis, and apheresis is featured in this journal. Recognizing the critical importance of equipment and procedures, particular emphasis has been placed on reports, drawn from a wide range of fields, describing technical advances and improvements in methodology. Papers reflect the search for cost-effective solutions which increase not only patient survival, but also patient comfort and disease improvement by prevention or correction of undesirable effects. Advances in vascular access and blood anticoagulation, problems associated with exposure of blood to foreign surfaces, and acute-care nephrology, including continuous therapies, also receive attention. Nephrologists, internists, intensivists, and hospital staff involved in dialysis, apheresis, and immunoadsorption for acute and chronic solid organ failure will find this journal useful and informative. Blood Purification also serves as a platform for multidisciplinary experiences involving nephrologists, cardiologists, and critical care physicians in order to expand the level of interaction between different disciplines and specialties.

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Nomenclature of Extracorporeal Blood Purification Therapies: The International Rome Consensus Conference

The world of extracorporeal therapies is notable for a long list of terminologies, materials, and mechanisms that are commonly used in multiple manners that can lead to confusion and possibly medical errors. In 2022, a conference was held in Rome, Italy to establish consensus. A group of international experts, debated, and ultimately recommended a standardized “dictionary”.


Cappuccino With Claudio Ronco

Take a Cappuccino With Claudio Ronco

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In Italy people go to a bar and take a cappuccino at the desk running away in few minutes. In those minutes however there is time to discuss about sport, politics, and life. Professor Ronco does exactly the same with you taking his cappuccino while discussing about studies, research and new developments in science.

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