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Book Chapter
Series: Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Volume: 67
Published: 25 November 2009
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9287-1
... of auditory function is related to music recognition. Although an increasing number of cochlear implant patients are able to achieve high levels of performance on difficult measures of speech recognition, most cannot recognize familiar melodies when temporal cues are removed [ 31 - 35...
Book Chapter
Series: Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Volume: 67
Published: 25 November 2009
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9287-1
... Abstract Aims: This study compared the music perception abilities of 13 electric acoustic stimulation (EAS) users with two control groups: unilateral cochlear implant (CI) users and normal-hearing (NH) listeners. Methods: Groups were matched according to age and musical experience before...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 19
Published: 28 April 2005
EISBN: 978-3-318-01206-4
... Abstract Studies on the relation between music and the brain have generated heterogeneousresults influenced by the location of the cerebral injury and by the degree of previous musicalknowledge. Some reports have shown that musical impairment is invariably associatedwith aphasia (aphasia...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 19
Published: 28 April 2005
EISBN: 978-3-318-01206-4
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 44
Published: 20 May 2019
EISBN: 978-3-318-06463-6
... Abstract We live in a world surrounded by sound. Throughout life, we are exposed to music: from lullabies and songs taught at school to instrumental music both heard and played for pleasure. Every nation, along with its own language, has unique forms of music and dance. “Music knows...
Book Chapter
Series: Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Volume: 67
Published: 25 November 2009
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9287-1
... stimulation for speech perception in noise and musical measures of melody and instrument recognition, as well as valuable insights into central auditory nervous system plasticity gained from the use of a very short electrode array. Background In most cases of mild, moderate, or even severe hearing...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Series: Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Volume: 67
Published: 25 November 2009
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9287-1
... 2004;124:272-280 5. McDermott HJ: Music perception with cochlear implants: a review. Trends Amplif 2004;8:49-82 6. Brockmeier SJ, Nopp P, Vischer M, Baumgartner W, Stark T, Schoen F, Mueller J, Braunschweig T, Busch R, Getto M, Arnold W, Allum DJ: Correlation of speech and music perception in Combi...
Book Chapter
Series: Else Kröner-Fresenius Symposia
Volume: 5
Published: 22 December 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02732-7
... in the Neuschwanstein Castle. We take this opportunity to thank the world famous pianist Thomas Hell for his poignant and outstanding performance. Thanks to Thomas Hell and Schott Music & Media GmbH, one of his masterpieces performed at the Wartburg concert is available for free download online. It is the étude...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 44
Published: 20 May 2019
EISBN: 978-3-318-06463-6
..., music and calculation. Brain 1926;49:110–126. 3. Basso A: Amusia; in Boller F, Grafman J (eds): Handbook of Neuropsychology. New York, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, vol 8, pp 391–409. 4. Yamadori A, Osumi Y, Masuhara S, et al: Preservation of singing in Broca’s aphasia. J Neurol Neurosurg...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
... Abstract The effect of opium on the creativity and productivity of a famous composer of classical music, an essayist, and poets including Hector Berlioz, Thomas De Quincy, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and Jean Cocteau, is described. Opium is a narcotic drug prepared from the juice...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
... Abstract Opera is a complex musical form that reflects the complexity of the human condition and the human brain. This article presents an introduction to the portrayal of medical professionals in opera, including one neurologist, as well as two characters in whom neurological disease...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
.... Musical Quarterly 1940;26:19-30 18. Hernried R: Hugo Wolf's ‘four operas’: with unpublished letters by Hugo Wolf, Rosa Mayreder, and Oskar Grohe. Musical Quarterly 1945;31:89-100 19. Hetenyi G: The terminal illness of Franz Schubert and the treatment of syphilis in Vienna in the eighteen hundred...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
... children, Maxim and Galya. In 1962 Shostakovich married Irina Antonova, who lives in Moscow and has been instrumental in the preservation of his legacy. The works of Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich, including symphonies, chamber music, concertos, and a rich treasury of film scores, have entertained...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
...References References 1. Cross M, Ewen O: Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music, 2 ed, revised Garden City, Doubleday, 1962;1: 2. Dreisbach RH: Handbook of Poisoning. 11 ed Los Altos, Lance Medical, 1983; 3. Goulding PG: Classical Music New York, Fawcett Books, 1992...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
... A: Musikpsychologie. Das neue Handbuch Reinbek, Rowohlt, 2008;374-389 3. Altenmüller E, McPherson G: Motor learning and instrumental training. (eds) Gruhn W, Rauscher F: Neurosciences in Music Pedagogy New York, Nova Science, 2007;121-144 4. Brandfonbrener A, Kjelland J: Music medicine. (eds) Parncutt R...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
... Wieck. Lithograph, Hannover 1835, by Julius Glière. Visible on the music rest is the beginning of the third movement of Clara's Piano Concerto in A. Reprinted with kind permission, Robert-Schumann-Haus, Zwickau. Fig. 1. Clara Wieck. Lithograph, Hannover 1835, by Julius Glière. Visible on the music...