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Book Cover Image
Published: 15 October 1976
EISBN: 978-3-318-04948-0
Book Cover Image
Series: Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion
Volume: 38
Published online: 01 January 2015
Published in print: 09 December 1972
EISBN: 978-3-318-03508-7
Book Cover Image
Series: Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion
Volume: 38
Published online: 01 January 2015
Published in print: 09 December 1971
EISBN: 978-3-318-03507-0
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 31
Published: 07 March 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02272-8
... Abstract Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) was both a writer and a doctor, as well as a patient. In spite of his literary success, he did not turn away from medicine until 1897, at the age of 37, when his tuberculosis became too serious. During his medical studies in Moscow, he wrote short stories...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers in Diabetes
Volume: 29
Published: 31 August 2020
EISBN: 978-3-318-06734-7
... German insulin committee. When the German government decided to send a team of the best German physicians to Moscow to support the care of Lenin, Minkowski was one of those chosen. Prof. Oskar Minkowski died near Berlin on June 18, 1931. One hundred years after the discovery of pancreatic diabetes...
Book Chapter
Series: Progress in Respiratory Research
Volume: 43
Published: 10 April 2018
EISBN: 978-3-318-06095-9
...References References 1. Krivosheev GF: Great Patriotic war in Krivosheev G (ed): Russia and the USSR in wars of the 20th century. Losses of the military forces. Statistical research. Moscow, OLMA-Press, 2001, Chapter V. http://lib.ru/MEMUARY/1939-1945/KRIWOSHEEW/poteri.txt#w05.htm...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 31
Published: 07 March 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02272-8
...References References 1. Gogol N: Dead Souls. Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1842; 2. Dostoevsky F: Crime and Punishment. Moscow, The Russian Messenger, 1866; 3. Anderson S: Winesburg, Ohio. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1919; 4. Waugh E: Black Mischief. London, Chapman & Hall...
Book Chapter
Series: Current Problems in Dermatology
Volume: 56
Published: 05 July 2023
EISBN: 978-3-318-07040-8
... described by Madden in 1939 [ 9 ]. Methods We retrospectively describe a case series of 4 patients with cutaneous sarcoid granulomas in cosmetic tattoos seen in the Dermatology Department, Sechenov University in Moscow, Russia, over a period of 4 years (2015–2019), based on patient history, clinical...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Series: Chemical Immunology and Allergy
Volume: 100
Published: 27 May 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02195-0
...-1929), who suggested that the collection be transported to his Institute of Experimental Therapy and Control of Serums and Vaccines in Moscow, where a museum could be established for that purpose. Some of the collection was transported from Paris to Moscow in August 1926, but the rest...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
.... Dickens C: Bleak House London, Bradbury & Evans, 1853; 13. Diderot D: The Nun Paris, Correspondance Littéraire, 1780-1781; 14. Dostoyevsky F: The Idiot Moscow, Rússkii Véstnik, 1868-1869; 15. Dostoyevsky F: The Devils Moscow, Rússkii Véstnik, 1871; 16. Dostoyevsky F: The Brothers...
Book Chapter
Series: Chemical Immunology and Allergy
Volume: 100
Published: 27 May 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02195-0
...References References 1. Mechnikova ON: Zhizn' Il'i Il'icha Mechnikova. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, 1926, p 232. 2. Gosudarstvennyj Nauchnyj Institut Zdravoohranenija (SSSR): Muzej pamjati I.I. Mechnikova. Moscow, Gosmedizdat, 1930, p 71. 3. Iļja Mečnikovs: Sastādīja Aija...
Book Chapter
Series: Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series
Volume: 68
Published: 06 October 2011
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9746-3
... recommendations on assessment of consumed food amount by method of 24-hours nutrition recall. Moscow, 1996;1-19 8. (eds) Skurikhin, Volgarev M: Reference Book. Chemical Composition of Foods Moscow, Agropromizdat Publishing, 1987;224360 9. Netrebenko O: Infant feeding. Pediatrics 2007;86:73-80 10...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 31
Published: 07 March 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02272-8
.... Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1842; 2. Dostoevsky F: Crime and Punishment. Moscow, The Russian Messenger, 1866; 3. Anderson S: Winesburg, Ohio. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1919; 4. Waugh E: Black Mischief. London, Chapman & Hall, 1932; 5. Mann T: Doktor Faustus. Stockholm, Bermann...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 43
Published: 16 October 2018
EISBN: 978-3-318-06394-3
... of death of Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883). Acta Chir Belg 2015;115:241-246. 6. Chizh VH: Turgenev kakpsikhopatolog. Moscow, Kushnerev, 1899. 7. Helle LJ: Tolstoy and Symbolic Castration: On Love and Death in Russian Fin-desiècle Culture. Nordlit 1998;4:29-45. 8. Jay V: The legacy of Jean-Martin...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter