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Book Chapter
Series: Contributions to Nephrology
Volume: 192
Published: 08 February 2018
EISBN: 978-3-318-06251-9
... pressure to help maintain perfusion of its organs. The etiology of the fat storage syndrome has been an area of major interest, with focus being on the causes of obesity and insulin resistance. At the basis has been the recognition that leptin resistance is a feature resulting in an impaired satiety...
Book Chapter
Series: Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Volume: 77
Published: 29 April 2016
EISBN: 978-3-318-05651-8
... Abstract Pneumolabyrinth is a rare condition with air bubbles existing in the vestibule and/or cochlea. We report a case of pneumolabyrinth without trauma that was suspected to be caused by labyrinthitis. A 65-year-old man presented with vertigo and hearing loss in the left ear after catching...
Book Chapter
Series: Endocrine Development
Volume: 31
Published: 27 January 2016
EISBN: 978-3-318-05639-6
... Abstract Individuals with higher-than-normal blood sugar levels used to be diagnosed as having either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. We now know that a wide range of different factors can cause diabetes, including single gene defects, which account for at least 1% of all diabetes cases and up to 4...
Book Chapter
Series: Current Problems in Dermatology
Volume: 48
Published: 24 March 2015
EISBN: 978-3-318-02777-8
.../night) [ 15 ]. Patients with tattoo reactions revealed an average ISS score of 7.2, with a range from 0 to 21 [ 15 ]. The influence of itch is presented in figure 1 . Fig. 1 The extent of tattoos causing itch, measured by the Itch Severity Scale (ISS). Itch was associated...
Book Chapter
Series: Modern Trends in Psychiatry
Volume: 28
Published: 27 February 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02311-4
... Abstract Many neurotropic viruses exist and may cause classical inflammation but also low-level neuroinflammation. However, viruses may be dormant within the CNS and become active later. The role of neurotropic virus infections in the causation of psychiatric disorders may be underestimated...
Book Chapter
Series: Modern Trends in Psychiatry
Volume: 28
Published: 27 February 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02311-4
... to genetic or other causes that are exacerbated by stress and adverse environmental factors. Of the various factors which have been implicated, chronic low-grade inflammation has received much attention in recent years. For this reason, the following review assesses the evidence that implicates inflammation...
Book Chapter
Series: Key Issues in Mental Health
Volume: 178
Published: 01 February 2013
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9989-4
... feels that it is their duty to kill themselves, for instance, a soldier sacrificing himself to protect others. ‘Anomic suicide’ results from deficient social regulation. This type of suicide is found in societies which are undergoing rapid change, causing the degradation of shared norms and social...
Book Chapter
Series: Contributions to Nephrology
Volume: 178
Published: 30 May 2012
EISBN: 978-3-318-02163-9
... cause of anemia and reduced ESA responsiveness. Thus, a randomized controlled trial is needed to test the possibility that restoration of testosterone levels in hypogonadal CKD males may translate into lower prevalence of anemia, better ESA responsiveness and better quality of life. Although...
Book Chapter
Series: Endocrine Development
Volume: 20
Published: 17 December 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9644-2
..., XY patients also a disorder of sex development is prevalent with hypospadias to complete female phenotype. P450scc deficiency is the differential diagnosis of congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia caused by mutations in the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, however, in contrast to the latter...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Volume: 27
Published: 01 April 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9331-1
...-Kudlácková et al., 2000 ]. In a study in an elderly population investigating the relation between homocysteine blood concentrations and vitamin intake, the predominant cause of elevated homocysteine blood concentrations was inadequate blood folate [ Selhub et al., 1995 ]. In the study by Hung et al...
Book Chapter
Series: Modern Trends in Psychiatry
Volume: 26
Published: 13 January 2009
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9002-0
... in inflammation in the psychopathology of schizophrenia, this being major contributory cause of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is concluded that there is substantial evidence to support this hypothesis and that more research is needed into the causal links between metabolic dysfunction...
Book Chapter
... Abstract Quantitative and qualitative defects of von Willebrand factor (VWF) cause von Willebrand disease (VWD),the most common inborn bleeding disorder being inherited in a mainly autosomal dominant but alsorecessive manner. According to its modular structure characterized by distinct...
Book Chapter
... Abstract Drugs represent the most common cause of platelet dysfunction in our overmedicated society. Whileacetylsalicylic acid, clopigogrel, and integrin aIIbß3 (glycoprotein IIb-IIIa) receptor antagonists are wellknown as ‘prototypes’ of antiplatelet drugs, other widely used agents including...
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Book Chapter