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Book Chapter
Book Chapter
Series: Endocrine Development
Volume: 33
Published: 28 June 2018
EISBN: 978-3-318-06143-7
... Abstract Considering the patient's transition from child to adolescent to adult and its psychological aspects in endocrinology and diabetology, it is necessary to recall the child's psycho-affective development when he enters adolescence. Indeed, adolescence appears paradigmatic of the “child...
Book Chapter
Series: Endocrine Development
Volume: 33
Published: 28 June 2018
EISBN: 978-3-318-06143-7
... Abstract Adolescence and young adulthood are times of multiple developmental changes, including physiological, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral transformations. The adolescent or young adult living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes must navigate the vicissitudes of these developmental...
Book Chapter
Series: Endocrine Development
Volume: 33
Published: 28 June 2018
EISBN: 978-3-318-06143-7
... Abstract Little is currently known about the efficacy of long-term follow-up during and after the transition from paediatric to adult health care services of adolescents and young adults with thyroid diseases, and/or for patients at risk of developing nodules and/or dysthyroidism due...
Book Chapter
Series: Modern Trends in Psychiatry
Volume: 31
Published: 02 August 2017
EISBN: 978-3-318-06051-5
... Abstract New neurons are continuously formed in the adult hippocampus of the human, nonhuman primate, and rodent throughout life though rates of neurogenesis precipitously decline with age to near zero levels at the end of the natural life span. Since its discovery in the 1960s, a large number...
Book Chapter
Series: Progress in Tumor Research
Volume: 43
Published: 08 September 2016
EISBN: 978-3-318-05912-0
... Abstract The pattern of cancer seen in young people changes with increasing age, transitioning from childhood- to adult-type cancer in adolescence and the third decade. The risk factors, presentation and biology of cancer in young adults differ from those in the older adult population. Factors...
Book Chapter
Series: Else Kröner-Fresenius Symposia
Volume: 5
Published: 22 December 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02732-7
... ] showed that maintenance of adult crypt stem and progenitor cell proliferation continues to be dependent on Wnt/Tcf4 signaling. In addition, Wnt target genes Cyclin D1 [ 9 ] and cMyc [ 10 ] proved to be important for proliferation of undifferentiated cells in the crypt epithelium. Notch signaling has...
Book Chapter
Series: Else Kröner-Fresenius Symposia
Volume: 5
Published: 22 December 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02732-7
... mechanisms, the level of DNA damage itself, and possibly also on the fidelity of molecular mechanisms controlling the clearance of damaged cells from aging tissues. In this chapter, we review recent findings related to DNA damage and checkpoint responses in adult stem cells that were discussed at the 5th...
Book Cover Image
Series: Else Kröner-Fresenius Symposia
Volume: 5
Published online: 16 December 2014
Published in print: 22 December 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02732-7
Book Chapter
Series: World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Volume: 112
Published: 26 November 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02753-2
... Nutr 2009;28:378-386. 3. Calder PC: Lipids for intravenous nutrition in hospitalised adult patients: a multiple choice of options. Proc Nutr Soc 2013;72:263-276. 4. Heyland DK, Montalvo M, MacDonald S, Keefe L, Su XY, Drover JW: Total parenteral nutrition in the surgical patient: a meta...
Book Chapter
Series: World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Volume: 112
Published: 26 November 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02753-2
...: Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill Patient. Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.). JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2009;33:277-316. 4. Singer P, Berger MM, Van den...
Book Chapter
Series: World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Volume: 112
Published: 26 November 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02753-2
... hyperinflammatory conditions and induced faster recovery. This chapter will shed light on the effects of intravenous fish oil in adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients and will discuss clinical data and recent meta-analyses on the topic. While significant beneficial effects on infection rates and the lengths...
Book Chapter
Series: Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Volume: 18
Published: 17 November 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02736-5
..., the level and activity are greatest during the fetal stage, and for a second group, the activity begins during fetal life, continues after birth and can be observed in adults. For a third group of enzymes, the activity can only be detected after birth, and the highest activity is found in children...
Book Chapter
Series: Frontiers in Diabetes
Volume: 24
Published: 17 November 2014
EISBN: 978-3-318-02337-4
... to the indications of these systems. The criteria for identification of candidates are usually divided into three main categories: pediatric/adolescent, adult patients (both in the general population of type 1 diabetes and in specific settings), and pregnant women or women in the preconception period. RTCGM opens up...
Book Chapter
Series: Contributions to Nephrology
Volume: 181
Published: 13 May 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02390-9
... the mutation rates of these two genes in Chinese familial FSGS patients. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of TRPC6 and ACTN4 mutations in Chinese adult-onset familial FSGS. Methods: 80 FSGS pedigrees with Chinese ancestry who were admitted to our hospital from September 1997 to January...
Book Chapter
Series: World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Volume: 106
Published: 12 February 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02266-7
... later body weight. An early rebound is a risk factor for later overweight. Many fat children stay fat but, by contrast, an early AR is not associated with overweight in early life. These observations point out the existence of various BMI patterns associated with adult obesity. Two main trajectories...
Book Chapter
Series: Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series
Volume: 71
Published: 24 January 2013
EISBN: 978-3-318-02270-4
... was ~1.3 cm in childhood, ~1.9 cm in adolescence, and ~1.0 cm in adulthood. The greatest per decade increase occurred in Japan, ~4 cm from 1950 to 1960, and the smallest increase occurred in Sweden and Norway at ~0.3 cm/ decade between 1952 and 1985. Note that all of the final adult increase in stature...
Book Chapter
Series: Contributions to Nephrology
Volume: 165
Published: 04 May 2010
EISBN: 978-3-8055-9473-8
... algorithm to aid in the decision on when to initiate RRT in adult critically ill patients. This algorithm was developed using available clinical evidence, recognizing the inherent limitations of observational studies. It aims to provide a starting point for clinicians and future prospective studies. We also...