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Antibiotics and Chemotherapy
Epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Kaposi's Sarcoma: 1st Workshop, Naples 1983
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S.Karger AG
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Antibiotics and Chemotherapy
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Immunology and Allergy
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Epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Kaposi's Sarcoma: 1st Workshop, Naples 1983
Edited by: G. Giraldo, E. Beth
ISBN (print): 978-3-8055-3876-3
ISBN (electronic): 978-3-318-03207-9
Publisher: S.Karger AG
Published: 1984
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Epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Kaposi's Sarcoma
Table of Contents
1 - 11: Kaposi’s Sarcoma: a Natural Model of Interrelationships between Viruses, Immunologic Responses, Genetics, and OncogenesisByG. Giraldo;G. GiraldoDepartment of Viral Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori ‘Fondazione G. Pascale’, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:E. Beth;E. BethDepartment of Viral Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori ‘Fondazione G. Pascale’, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:F. M. BuonaguroF. M. BuonaguroDepartment of Viral Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori ‘Fondazione G. Pascale’, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
12 - 17: Classical and Endemic Form of Kaposi’s Sarcoma: A ReviewByM. S. R. HuttM. S. R. HuttGeographical Pathology Unit, St. Thomas’s Hospital, London, UKSearch for other works by this author on:
18 - 26: Epidemiology of Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeByH. W. HaverkosH. W. HaverkosAIDS Program, Center for Infections Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, US Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, Ga., USASearch for other works by this author on:
27 - 42: Cytomegalovirus: Its Oncogenes and Kaposi’s SarcomaByEng-Shang HuangEng-Shang HuangCancer Research Center, Departments of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, N.C., USASearch for other works by this author on:
43 - 47: Search for DNA Sequences of Human Cytomegalovirus in Kaposi’s Sarcoma Tissues with Cloned Probes: Preliminary Report1ByRüdiger Rüger;Rüdiger Rügera Institut für Klinische Virologie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, BRD;Search for other works by this author on:Ronald Colimon;Ronald Colimonb Hôpital St-Louis, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Bernhard FleckensteinBernhard Fleckensteina Institut für Klinische Virologie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, BRD;Search for other works by this author on:
48 - 53: Isolation of a New Retrovirus in a Patient at Risk for Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeByJ. C. Chermann;J. C. ChermannaUnité d’Oncologie Virale etSearch for other works by this author on:F. Barré-Sinoussi;F. Barré-SinoussiaUnité d’Oncologie Virale etSearch for other works by this author on:C. Dauguet;C. DauguetbDépartement de Virologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris;Search for other works by this author on:F. Brun-Vezinet;F. Brun-VezinetcHôpital Claude Bernard, Laboratoire Central de Virologie, Paris;Search for other works by this author on:C. Rouzioux;C. RouziouxcHôpital Claude Bernard, Laboratoire Central de Virologie, Paris;Search for other works by this author on:W. Rozenbaum;W. RozenbaumdHôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, Département Santé Publique et Médecine Tropicale, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:L. MontagnierL. MontagnieraUnité d’Oncologie Virale etSearch for other works by this author on:
54 - 70: Clinical Features of Kaposi’s Sarcoma/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Its Management1ByBijan SafaiBijan SafaiMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y., USASearch for other works by this author on:
71 - 75: Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome — The British ExperienceByNeil P. SmithNeil P. SmithSkin Tumour Unit, Institute of Dermatology, St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, London, UKSearch for other works by this author on:
76 - 86: Histopathological Studies of Lymphadenopathy in AIDS: Tentative Classification: Preliminary ReportByC. Marche;C. Marchea Laboratoire Central d’Anatomie Pathologique;Search for other works by this author on:Y. Neguesse;Y. Neguessea Laboratoire Central d’Anatomie Pathologique;Search for other works by this author on:C. Bouton;C. Boutona Laboratoire Central d’Anatomie Pathologique;Search for other works by this author on:S. Kernbaum;S. Kernbaumb Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, etSearch for other works by this author on:B. Regnier;B. Regnierc Clinique de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital Claude Bernard, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:A. G. SaimotA. G. Saimotb Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, etSearch for other works by this author on:
87 - 98: Immunologic and Immunogenetic Findings in Patients with Epidemic Kaposi’s Sarcoma1ByP. Rubinstein;P. RubinsteinLaboratories of lmmunogenetics and Cell Isolation and Analysis, Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of New York Blood Center and Departments of Medicine, Virology and Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y., USASearch for other works by this author on:W. M. Rothman;W. M. RothmanLaboratories of lmmunogenetics and Cell Isolation and Analysis, Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of New York Blood Center and Departments of Medicine, Virology and Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y., USASearch for other works by this author on:A. Friedman-KienA. Friedman-KienLaboratories of lmmunogenetics and Cell Isolation and Analysis, Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of New York Blood Center and Departments of Medicine, Virology and Dermatology, New York University Medical Center, New York, N.Y., USASearch for other works by this author on:
99 - 104: Immunologic Alterations in Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeByMichael S. Gottlieb;Michael S. GottliebDepartment of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology-Allergy and Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Immunologic Diseases, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., USASearch for other works by this author on:John L. FaheyJohn L. FaheyDepartment of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology-Allergy and Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Immunologic Diseases, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., USASearch for other works by this author on:
105 - 111: Immunological Evaluation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Patients in France: Preliminary ResultsByMarc Cavaille-Coll;Marc Cavaille-CollaLaboratoire d’Immunologie Néphrologique et de Transplantation, UER Pitié-Salpétrière;Search for other works by this author on:David Klatzmann;David KlatzmannaLaboratoire d’Immunologie Néphrologique et de Transplantation, UER Pitié-Salpétrière;Search for other works by this author on:Willy Rozenbaum;Willy RozenbaumbDépartement de Santé Publique, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpétrière;Search for other works by this author on:Gérard A. Saimot;Gérard A. SaimotcClinique des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hôpital Claude-Bernard;Search for other works by this author on:Serge Kernbaum;Serge KernbaumcClinique des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hôpital Claude-Bernard;Search for other works by this author on:Jean-Baptiste Brunet;Jean-Baptiste BrunetdMinistère de la Solidarité Nationale, Direction Générale de la Santé, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Jean-Claude GluckmanJean-Claude GluckmanaLaboratoire d’Immunologie Néphrologique et de Transplantation, UER Pitié-Salpétrière;Search for other works by this author on:
112 - 116: Quantitative Data on Lifestyle Factors of Young Danish HomosexualsByP. Ebbesen;P. EbbesenaThe Institute of Cancer Research, Radiumstationen, Aarhus C, Denmark;Search for other works by this author on:M. Melbye;M. MelbyeaThe Institute of Cancer Research, Radiumstationen, Aarhus C, Denmark;Search for other works by this author on:R. J. BiggarR. J. Biggarb National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md., USASearch for other works by this author on:
117 - 126: Immunologic Studies in Healthy Danish Homosexual MenByMads Melbye;Mads Melbyea Institute of Cancer Research, Radiumstationen, Aarhus, Denmark;Search for other works by this author on:Robert J. Biggar;Robert J. Biggarb Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USASearch for other works by this author on:Peter EbbesenPeter Ebbesena Institute of Cancer Research, Radiumstationen, Aarhus, Denmark;Search for other works by this author on:
127 - 137: AIDS in Denmark and Immunological Parameters among Homosexual Danish Men with Special Reference to the Prognosis of Patients with Low H/S Ratios: A Report from the CAID1ByJ. Gerstoft;J. GerstoftDepartment of Rubella, Statens Seruminstitut; Department of Clinical Immunology and Department of Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen; Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for other works by this author on:J. O. Nielsen;J. O. NielsenDepartment of Rubella, Statens Seruminstitut; Department of Clinical Immunology and Department of Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen; Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for other works by this author on:E. DickmeissE. DickmeissDepartment of Rubella, Statens Seruminstitut; Department of Clinical Immunology and Department of Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen; Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for other works by this author on:
138 - 146: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Altered T Cell Subset Ratios, and Cytomegalovirus Infections among Male Homosexuals in The NetherlandsByJ. Goudsmit;J. Goudsmita Department of Virology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Search for other works by this author on:P. Wertheim-van Dillen;P. Wertheim-van Dillena Department of Virology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Search for other works by this author on:P. T. A. Schellekens;P. T. A. Schellekensb Experimental Immunobiology Department, Central Laboratory of The Netherlands’ Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Search for other works by this author on:R. A. Coutinho;R. A. Coutinhoc Municipal Health Service, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Search for other works by this author on:S. A. Danner;S. A. Dannerd Department of Internal Medicine, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:J. van der NoordaaJ. van der Noordaaa Department of Virology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Search for other works by this author on:
147 - 152: Beta-2-Microglobulin in Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeByP. Francioli;P. Franciolia Departement de Médecine Interne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne;Search for other works by this author on:F. Clément;F. Clémenta Departement de Médecine Interne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne;Search for other works by this author on:B. Yersin;B. Yersina Departement de Médecine Interne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne;Search for other works by this author on:J. Schädelin;J. Schädelinb Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Inselspital, Bern, SwitzerlandSearch for other works by this author on:M. P. GlauserM. P. Glausera Departement de Médecine Interne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne;Search for other works by this author on:
153 - 158: T-Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Spanish Haemophiliacs Treated with Commercial Clotting Factor Concentrates1ByCristina Cuturi;Cristina CuturiaServicio de Inmunología,Search for other works by this author on:Gema Acevedo;Gema Acevedod Servicio de Hemalología, Ciudad Sanitaria ‘Valle Hebrón’, Barcelona, EspañaSearch for other works by this author on:Santiago Maragall;Santiago Maragallb Servicio de Hemoterapia y Hemosiasia, Hospital Clínico y Provincial, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona, ySearch for other works by this author on:Miquel Vila;Miquel Vilad Servicio de Hemalología, Ciudad Sanitaria ‘Valle Hebrón’, Barcelona, EspañaSearch for other works by this author on:Ricard Castillo;Ricard Castillob Servicio de Hemoterapia y Hemosiasia, Hospital Clínico y Provincial, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona, ySearch for other works by this author on:Josep Triginer;Josep Triginerd Servicio de Hemalología, Ciudad Sanitaria ‘Valle Hebrón’, Barcelona, EspañaSearch for other works by this author on:Antoni Gelabert;Antoni Gelabertb Servicio de Hemoterapia y Hemosiasia, Hospital Clínico y Provincial, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona, ySearch for other works by this author on:Caterina MierasCaterina Mierasc Sección de Dermatología,Search for other works by this author on:
159 - 160: Does Quinine Facilitate AIDS?ByG. Sacerdoti;G. SacerdotibIstituto Terapia Medica, I. Facoltà di Medicina, University of Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:C. AstaritaC. AstaritabIstituto Terapia Medica, I. Facoltà di Medicina, University of Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on: