Optical Coherence Tomography
Because of its many advantages optical coherence tomography (OCT) has revolutionized the way in which retinal diseases are screened and managed and how treatments are monitored. In this volume the latest developments and findings are presented by experts in their respective fields. After a short introduction covering the available equipment and the basic techniques, the imaging features of various pathological findings in retinal diseases are presented. The topics cover the outer layers including new modalities for choroid imaging, out-layer diseases such as the various types of macular degeneration, retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and vascular occlusion, and retina and vitreous interface pathologies. The final chapters are dedicated to the practicality of using OCT for the pre- and postsurgical evaluation of the posterior segment and for the differential diagnosis of vitreoretinal diseases as well as in the management of patients with retinal and neuro-ophthalmological diseases. Making the essentials of the recently held ESASO course on OCT available in one volume, this publication is a must-read for experienced as well as trainee ophthalmologists who need to use OCT in their daily practice.
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Table of Contents
1 - 8: Evolution of Optical Coherence Tomography Technology Comparison of Commercially Available InstrumentsByLuisa Pierro;Luisa PierroDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Marco GagliardiMarco GagliardiDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
9 - 16: Optical Coherence Tomography Pathologic Findings in the Vitreoretinal and Macular InterfaceByDafna Goldenberg;Dafna GoldenbergTel Aviv Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSearch for other works by this author on:Roy Schwartz;Roy SchwartzTel Aviv Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSearch for other works by this author on:Anat LoewensteinAnat LoewensteinTel Aviv Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSearch for other works by this author on:
17 - 25: Optical Coherence Tomography in the Inner Retinal LayersByJ.M. Giraud;J.M. GiraudaA Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Sainte Anne, Toulon,Search for other works by this author on:H. El Chehab;H. El ChehabbHôpital Instruction des Armées du Val de Grâce, Service Ophtalmologie, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:M. Francoz;M. FrancozbHôpital Instruction des Armées du Val de Grâce, Service Ophtalmologie, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:J.R. Fenolland;J.R. FenollandbHôpital Instruction des Armées du Val de Grâce, Service Ophtalmologie, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:M. Delbarre;M. DelbarrebHôpital Instruction des Armées du Val de Grâce, Service Ophtalmologie, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:F. May;F. MaybHôpital Instruction des Armées du Val de Grâce, Service Ophtalmologie, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:J.P. RenardJ.P. RenardbHôpital Instruction des Armées du Val de Grâce, Service Ophtalmologie, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:
26 - 33: Optical Coherence Tomography of the Outer Retinal LayersByAdrian KohAdrian KohEye and Retina Surgeons, ESASO Asia, Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore Eye Research Institute, National University Hospital, Singapore, SingaporeSearch for other works by this author on:
34 - 45: Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in the ChoroidByGabriel Coscas;Gabriel CoscasaDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Paris Est Créteil, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, andbCentre d'Ophtalmologie de l'Odéon, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Florence CoscasFlorence CoscasaDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Paris Est Créteil, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, andbCentre d'Ophtalmologie de l'Odéon, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:
46 - 53: Pre- and Postsurgical Evaluation of the Retina by Optical Coherence TomographyByMarco Pellegrini;Marco PellegriniEye Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Science ‘Luigi Sacco', Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinando Bottoni;Ferdinando BottoniEye Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Science ‘Luigi Sacco', Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Matteo Giuseppe Cereda;Matteo Giuseppe CeredaEye Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Science ‘Luigi Sacco', Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Giovanni StaurenghiGiovanni StaurenghiEye Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Science ‘Luigi Sacco', Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
54 - 61: Optical Coherence Tomography in the Diagnosis of Challenging Macular DisordersByGiuseppe Querques;Giuseppe QuerquesaDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Paris Est Créteil, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, France;bDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Enrico Borrelli;Enrico BorrellibDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Anouk Georges;Anouk GeorgesaDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Paris Est Créteil, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, France;Search for other works by this author on:Eric H. SouiedEric H. SouiedaDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Paris Est Créteil, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, France;Search for other works by this author on:
62 - 75: Optical Coherence Tomography in the Management of Diabetic Macular EdemaByAli Erginay;Ali ErginayHôpital Lariboisière, AP-HP, Université Paris 7-Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Pascale MassinPascale MassinHôpital Lariboisière, AP-HP, Université Paris 7-Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:
76 - 92: Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography versus Enhanced Depth Imaging-Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Age-Related Macular DegenerationByFlorence Coscas;Florence CoscasaService d'Ophtalmologie, Université Paris, Val de Marne, andbCentre d'Ophtalmologie de l'Odéon, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Gabriel CoscasGabriel CoscasaService d'Ophtalmologie, Université Paris, Val de Marne, andbCentre d'Ophtalmologie de l'Odéon, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:
93 - 100: ‘En Face' Optical Coherence Tomography with Enhanced Depth Imaging of Different Patterns of the Choroidal Neovascular Network in Age-Related Macular DegenerationByGabriel Coscas;Gabriel CoscasaService d'Ophtalmologie, Hôpital de Créteil, Université Paris-EST andbCentre d'Ophtalmologie de l'Odéon, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Florence CoscasFlorence CoscasaService d'Ophtalmologie, Hôpital de Créteil, Université Paris-EST andbCentre d'Ophtalmologie de l'Odéon, Paris, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:
101 - 109: ‘En Face' Optical Coherence Tomography Scan Applications in the Inner RetinaByBruno Lumbroso;Bruno LumbrosoaCentro Oftalmologico Mediterraneo, Rome, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Marco Rispoli;Marco RispoliaCentro Oftalmologico Mediterraneo, Rome, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Jean Francois Le Rouic;Jean Francois Le RouicbClinique Sourdille, Nantes, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Maria Cristina SavastanoMaria Cristina SavastanoaCentro Oftalmologico Mediterraneo, Rome, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:
110 - 116: Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Acute Macular NeuroretinopathyByMaurizio Battaglia Parodi;Maurizio Battaglia ParodiDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Pierluigi Iacono;Pierluigi IaconoDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Davide Panico;Davide PanicoDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Maria Lucia Cascavilla;Maria Lucia CascavillaDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Gianluigi Bolognesi;Gianluigi BolognesiDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Francesco BandelloFrancesco BandelloDepartment of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
117 - 122: Optical Coherence Tomography in Myopic Choroidal NeovascularizationByMaurizio Battaglia Parodi;Maurizio Battaglia ParodiDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Pierluigi Iacono;Pierluigi IaconoDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Gianluigi Bolognesi;Gianluigi BolognesiDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Francesco BandelloFrancesco BandelloDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
123 - 126: Ganglion Cell Complex and Visual Recovery after Surgical Removal of Idiopathic Epiretinal MembranesByLuisa Pierro;Luisa PierroDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Marco Codenotti;Marco CodenottiDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Lorenzo IulianoLorenzo IulianoDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
127 - 130: Choroidal Changes in Patients with Raynaud's Phenomenon Secondary to a Connective Tissue Disease: Study of Vascular Eye Involvement in Patients Affected by Raynaud's Phenomenon with in vivo Noninvasive EDI-OCTByLuisa Pierro;Luisa PierroaDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute andSearch for other works by this author on:Claudia Del Turco;Claudia Del TurcoaDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute andSearch for other works by this author on:Elisabetta Miserocchi;Elisabetta MiserocchiaDepartment of Ophthalmology, Vita-Salute University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute andSearch for other works by this author on:Francesca IngegnoliFrancesca IngegnolibDivision of Rheumatology, Instituto Gaetano Pini, Department of Clinical Sciences & Community Health, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on: