Neuroblastoma is a tumor derived from the sympathetic nervous system. It is the most common extracranial solid tumor occurring in children and exhibits a marked variability in outcome when the disease is categorized by clinical (e.g. age or stage) and biologic characteristics. This book gives an introduction into the clinical features of progressive neuroblastoma and focuses on molecular-targeted therapies and immunotherapies of this disease.
It has become increasingly clear that MYCN (v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene neuroblastoma derived homolog) holds a key position in neuroblastic transformation and gene expression in normal and transformed cells. In the 14 chapters important topics such as genomic alterations in neuroblastoma and strategies for indirect molecular targeting of MYCN are discussed. Two chapters, for example, review apoptotic pathways and proapoptotic molecular targets in neuroblastoma, one focusing on the p53 pathway and the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis. Other chapters cover topics related to immunology in neuroblastoma, such as immune regulation in neuroblastoma, immunotherapy related to passive and active vaccination approaches and additional immunotherapy in the treatment of progressive disease.
This volume will be essential reading for all clinicians and basic researchers who are involved in delivering health care to patients with progressive neuroblastoma.
150 - 162: Approaches to Passive and Active Vaccination against Neuroblastoma
Subject Area: Genetics , Immunology and Allergy , Neurology and Neuroscience , Oncology , Women's and Children's HealthBook Series: Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Holger N. Lode, 2015. "Approaches to Passive and Active Vaccination against Neuroblastoma", Progressive Neuroblastoma: Innovation and Novel Therapeutic Strategies, H. Christiansen, N.M. Christiansen
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