After decades of focusing on how to alleviate and prevent recurrence of acute CNS injuries, the emphasis has finally shifted towards repairing such devastating events and rehabilitation. This development has been made possible by substantial progress in understanding the scientific underpinnings of recovery as well as by novel diagnostic tools, and most importantly, by emerging therapies awaiting clinical trials. In this publication, several international experts introduce novel areas of neurological reorganization and repair following CNS damage. Principles and methods to monitor and augment neuroplasticity are explored in depth and supplemented by a critical appraisal of neurological repair mechanisms and possibilities to curtail disability using computer or robotic interfaces. Rather than providing a textbook approach of CNS restoration, the editors selected topics where progress is most imminent in this labyrinthine domain of medicine. Moreover, the varied background and origins of the contributors lend this book a truly global perspective on the current state of affairs in neurological recovery.
129 - 138: High Voltage Electric Potentials to Enhance Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in the Brain
Topic Article Package: Topic Article Package: DiabetesBook Series: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Hiroji Yanamoto, Yukako Nakajo, Hiroharu Kataoka, Koji Iihara, 2013. "High Voltage Electric Potentials to Enhance Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in the Brain", Clinical Recovery from CNS Damage, H. Naritomi, D.W. Krieger
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Development of a safe method to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the brain is expected to enhance learning and memory, induce tolerance to cerebral infarction or tolerance to depressive state, improve glucose metabolism, and suppress appetite and body weight. We have shown that repetitive applications of high-voltage electric potential (HELP) to the body increase BDNF levels in the brain, improving learning and memory in mice. Here, we investigated the effects of HELP treatment for a chronic period on the BDNF levels in the mouse brain, and on body weight in mice and humans. Adult mice were exposed to 3.1 or 5.4 kV HELP (on the body), 5 h a day for 24 weeks, and BDNF levels in the brain and alterations in body weight were analyzed. Humans [age, 53.2 ± 15.5 years old; BMI, 27.8 ± 5.6 (mean ± SD, n = 6)] were exposed to 3.9 kV HELP (on the body) for 1 h a day, continuing for 33 months (2.8 years) under the monitor of body weight. In mice, the HELP application elevated BDNF levels in the brain at least temporarily, affecting body weight in a voltage- and time-dependent manner. In humans, the HELP treatment reduced body weight compared to the pretreated initial values without any aversive effects (p < 0.002, one-way ANOVA with the post hoc Holm-Sidak test). The results in mice indicated that 3.1 kV HELP was considered insufficient for a continuous elevation of intracerebral BDNF, and 5.4 kV HELP was considered as excessive. HELP with an appropriate voltage can be utilized to increase BDNF levels in the brain for a prolonged period. We anticipate further investigations to clarify the effect of the optimal-leveled HELP therapy on memory disturbances, neurological deficits after stroke, depression, diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the most abundant neurotrophin in the brain [1], is known to promote neuronal differentiation/maturation in the developing central nervous system [2,3], participates in multiple forms of learning and memory by promoting dendritic outgrowth and synaptic formation [4], and protects neurons from lethal ischemic stresses by inducing tolerance to cerebral infarction (infarct tolerance) [5].
In addition to the role in memory and infarct tolerance, BDNF in the brain plays a critical role in energy balance, glucose metabolism, and in reward centers of the brain impacting on feeding behavior and body weight [6,7,8]. Genetic impairment of BDNF synthesis caused hyperphagia and aggressiveness [9], obesity, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyper-low-density-lipoproteinemia, and a short life span in mice [10]. In contrast, increased BDNF levels in the brain by a direct infusion of exogenous BDNF suppressed appetite, decreased blood glucose levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, and caused body weight loss in a dose-dependent manner without any metabolic toxicity in normal rats [11]. Furthermore, genetic BDNF insufficiency was linked to severe obesity in humans [12]. Therefore, increased BDNF levels, if achieved by a safe method, should suppress normal or excessive appetite and reduce body weight.
Specific Types of Electric Stimulation
A brief period of direct current electrification (3 VDC, 100 μs, 20 Hz for 1 h) [13]; epileptiform discharges [14], chronic electroconvulsive therapy for the treatment of major depression [15], and repetitive spreading depression [16] have been shown to elevate BDNF levels in the brain. However, none of these types of stimulation is applicable to healthy individuals to increase BDNF levels in the brain, improve cerebral functions or glucose metabolism, and to increase cerebral viability.
Recently, we have demonstrated that the treatment with high-voltage electric potential (HELP), characterized by a selected voltage on the body, increased BDNF levels in the mouse brain [17]. Animals with increased BDNF levels by the HELP treatment showed improved learning and memory, and achieved infarct tolerance [17]. In addition, HELP treatment suppressed age-dependent body weight gain at least for 12 weeks in mice [17].
The High-Voltage Electric Field Therapy
Repetitive exposure of the body to various levels of electric field (EF) for 1 to several hours a day, by direct contact with a working electrode (≤30 kV RMS, 50 or 60 Hz), under the condition that the body is insulated from surrounding electrotransformable materials (metals), making indirect (air-) contact with the ground electrode (= 0 V), was approved in 1963 by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan as a safe alternative therapy to be utilized for improving headache, shoulder/neck stiffness, insomnia, and chronic constipation. Although a selected EF level generated by 7.0 kV (50 or 60 Hz) at the generator suppressed a restrained stress-induced increase in plasma lactate levels in rats [18], the underlying biological mechanisms by which EF acts on the body, the optimum protocols, the maximum length of improving period, and the optimal EF level for the improvement of these symptoms have been unclear.
In this study, we investigated the effect of HELP treatments with either of 2 selected (high or low) voltages at the body for a prolonged period (24 weeks) on the BDNF levels in the mouse brain, or the effect of a HELP treatment with a specific voltage on the body, considered as optimal, for 33 months on human body weight. Fundamentally, the voltage at the output level generated at the transformer diminishes in the electric cord connecting to the working electrode (HELP supplier), affected by the resistance between surfaces of the working electrode and the body (due to attachment area, clothes, skin or hair conditions), the body weight (the size of impedance), and by the surrounding structures of the HELP application system (the extent of leakage of electric potential from the insulated elevated zone to the outer zero level). Therefore, it was essential to measure and regulate electric potential (= voltage level) on the body, not at the output level of the transformer, or essentially variable EF levels in the air around the body.
Experimental Procedure and Treatment Protocol
The experimental protocols were approved by the NCVC animal research committee. All efforts were made to minimize suffering and the number of animals used. In the clinical trial, participants agreed to set and use the medical apparatus, a HELP applier, in their house. The specific HELP level designed in this study was generated by a medical apparatus (an EF generator ≤9.0 kV) approved by the government for the treatment of headache; chronic constipation; neck/shoulder stiffness, and/or insomnia. Informed consent to use the HELP method (with a definition/regulation; 3.9 kV on the body) in individual homes, and to monthly monitoring of body weight with or without treatment was obtained from every participant.
Experiment 1 (Experimental Procedure in Mice)
Male adult C57BL/6J mice (8-9 weeks old, 22-24 g, Clear Japan Inc., Osaka, Japan) were placed in a temperature-controlled room under a regular light/dark cycle and had free access to food and water ad libitum throughout the experiment. Each mouse cage, 17 × 23 × 12 cm in size, composed of 2-mm-thick acryl boards, housed 5-6 mice. A mattress type HELP supplier, 30 × 50 cm in size, connected to the HELP generator (an AC transformer; 60 Hz) made originally for humans, was placed under the cage. The counter electrode, 50 × 150 cm in size and grounded (= 0 V), was located below the HELP supplier (>20 cm from the animal). The elevated electric potential area, consisting of the HELP supplier, the cage, and the mice, was electrically insulated from the surroundings. Mice in the cage received HELP at a single voltage, making indirect contact with 0 V (ground) via air.
In the setting, the HELP generator elevated the electric potential at the surface of the body to 0 V (control), 3.1 or 5.4 kV, for 5 h a day over consecutive 3, 6, 12, or 24 weeks. The EF level generated by the HELP supplier in the cage was approximately 14-15 V/m, or 24-25 kV/m, respectively, in a vertical direction in the absence of animals.
After the 3.1- or 5.4-kV HELP treatment over 3, 6, 12 or 24 weeks, BDNF levels in the forebrain were measured using ELISA (n = 24-25 per group), and the escape latencies were monitored for the analysis of spatial learning, comprising cognition/orientation, working memory/consolidation, and recall/navigation (n = 24-25 per group), using the Morris water maze test arranged for mice, 4 sessions per a day for consecutive 5 days with a cutoff time set at 300 s, as described in detail elsewhere [17].
Experiment 2 (Treatment Protocol in Humans)
Male or female volunteers [body mass index (BMI) >22, normal, overweight, or obese] were enrolled. The distribution of age was from 33 to 71 years old (53.2 ± 15.5, mean ± SD; n = 6, male: 4, female: 2). The BMI in the HELP-treated group was from 22.1 to 36.8 (27.8 ± 5.6). An EF generator, i.e. a medical apparatus originally made for humans (K-7 or K-9, Hakuju, Co. Ltd., Tokyo) for the usage in the clinic or at home, with a multistep function to freely adjust the output levels (AC 60 Hz, ≤7.0 or 9.0 kV at the transformer), was set in individual homes as a HELP applier. The safety of this system for humans was established by the Japanese government in 1963.
A mattress type HELP supplier set on the bed, 30 × 50 cm in size, was connected to the generator. The ground under the floor in the room (= 0 kV, >20 cm away from the body surface) was utilized as a counter electrode. The zone of elevated electric potential, consisting of the HELP supplier and the body, was electrically insulated from the surroundings by means of an insulating (rubber) mattress, so that the HELP-exposed human body makes indirect contact with the ground via air.
A specific HELP, adjusted to 3.9 kV on the body compared to the ground level (0 kV), was applied via the HELP generator. The treatment was performed for 1 h a day over consecutive 33 months at night while sleeping by setting a timer.
The selection of the voltage was based on the findings that various ranges of HELP differently increase BDNF levels in the mouse brain for a temporary or a prolonged period in mice, differently improving learning and memory function, and reducing or increasing body weight at a chronic phase. Family members of the enrolled persons, who were supposed to have the same diet menu in the same house during the study period, served as references. The distribution of age in the reference group was from 22 to 65 years (46.0 ± 16.9, mean ± SD; n = 6, male: 4, female: 2), and the BMI range was from 23.6 to 29.8 (27.7 ± 2.8, mean ± SD). There was no significant difference in physical conditions between the treated and the reference groups.
Statistical Analysis
Alterations in body weight before and after the HELP treatment were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with the post hoc Holm-Sidak test. A value of p < 0.05 was considered significant, and the results were presented as mean ± SD. Intention-to-treat analysis was used in the assessment of the human study that accepts all data obtained from every participant.
Alterations in Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in the Mouse Brain (Experiment 1)
After the HELP treatment, the BDNF levels in the brain increased in a mono- (3.1 kV) or biphasic manner (5.4 kV), compared with the corresponding 0-volt-treated controls during the same period (fig. 1). There were significant increases in the BDNF level after 3, 6, and 24 weeks in the 5.4-kV HELP-treated group (p < 0.05), or after 3, 6, and 12 weeks in the 3.1-kV HELP-treated group (p < 0.05).
Alterations in BDNF levels in the mouse brain. The treatment with HELP (3.1 and 5.4 kV) for 12 weeks significantly reduced body weight compared with the corresponding untreated controls. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. n = 24-25; error bars indicate SD.
Alterations in BDNF levels in the mouse brain. The treatment with HELP (3.1 and 5.4 kV) for 12 weeks significantly reduced body weight compared with the corresponding untreated controls. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. n = 24-25; error bars indicate SD.
Alterations in Learning and Memory in Mice (Experiment 1)
After the 3.1- or 5.4-kV HELP treatment, the time needed to escape to the platform (escape latency) decreased significantly, compared with the corresponding 0-volt-treated controls (fig. 2). Among the treated and control groups, the greatest improvement in the escape latency score was 6 weeks after 3.1 kV HELP (p < 0.001), and 3 or 12 weeks after 5.4 kV HELP (p < 0.001). It was found that 0-kV-treated control animals showed a steady and significant improvement in spatial learning from young adulthood to middle-aged time.
Alterations in learning and memory function in the Morris water maze test. After HELP treatment with either voltage, spatial learning significantly improved in the Morris water maze test compared to the corresponding untreated controls. * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001. n = 24-25; error bars indicate SEM.
Alterations in learning and memory function in the Morris water maze test. After HELP treatment with either voltage, spatial learning significantly improved in the Morris water maze test compared to the corresponding untreated controls. * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001. n = 24-25; error bars indicate SEM.
Alterations in the Mouse Body Weight (Experiment 1)
After HELP treatment for 6 weeks, the body weight was significantly reduced, compared with the corresponding 0-kV-treated controls (p < 0.05) (fig. 3). In the 3.1-kV HELP-treated group, the significant reduction at 12 weeks disappeared at 24 weeks. Although improvement was observed in the Morris water maze test, a significant (paradoxical) increase in body weight was observed 24 weeks after consecutive 5.4-kV HELP treatment.
Alterations in body weight in mice. Twelve weeks after HELP treatment with either voltage, body weight was significantly reduced compared to controls. Twenty-four weeks after HELP, there was no significant reduction in the 3.1-kV-treated group, but a significant increase (considered as a rebound phenomenon) was observed in the 5.4-kV-treated group. Alteration in body weight followed weeks after the alterations in BDNF levels in the brain (fig. 1). * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01, compared with the corresponding controls. n = 24-25; error bars indicate SD.
Alterations in body weight in mice. Twelve weeks after HELP treatment with either voltage, body weight was significantly reduced compared to controls. Twenty-four weeks after HELP, there was no significant reduction in the 3.1-kV-treated group, but a significant increase (considered as a rebound phenomenon) was observed in the 5.4-kV-treated group. Alteration in body weight followed weeks after the alterations in BDNF levels in the brain (fig. 1). * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01, compared with the corresponding controls. n = 24-25; error bars indicate SD.
Alterations in Body Weight in Humans (Experiment 2)
The body weight was reduced gradually by the 3.9-kV HELP treatment (fig. 4). After the induction of HELP, the reduction pattern of the body weight was biphasic, achieving the first reduction compared to the pretreated control value at 12 months, which disappeared but appeared again from 26 to 33 months (p < 0.001, t = 3.16-4.70) (fig. 4). There was no significant side effect in subjective or objective aspects, during or after the treatment.
Alterations in body weight after the HELP treatment in humans. There were significant, biphasic reductions in body weight after the exposure to 3.9 kV HELP, performed for 1 hour per day, for 33 months. * p < 0.01; ** p < 0.001. n = 6; error bars indicate SD.
Alterations in body weight after the HELP treatment in humans. There were significant, biphasic reductions in body weight after the exposure to 3.9 kV HELP, performed for 1 hour per day, for 33 months. * p < 0.01; ** p < 0.001. n = 6; error bars indicate SD.
The BMI at the end of the observation period was -4.8 ± 1.4 compared to the pretreated initial value in the treated group, and +3.5 ± 2.0 compared to the initial value in the reference group (p < 0.001, t-test).
As regards the compliance with the protocol, every participant in the treated group reported that they followed the protocol throughout the period except for some days (<30 days in a year) when they were away from home. A person in the reference group (initial BMI: 29.8) had lost more than 10 kg during the initial 12 months, but encountered a rebound phenomenon, ending up with 3 kg more compared to the initial value.
Increased BDNF levels in the brain act as a suppressant of appetite and body weight gain [11,19]. In the present study, a chronic HELP treatment with a selected voltage on the body significantly suppressed body weight of normal (by 5.8% per 33 months, i.e. 2.1% per year) or overweight healthy volunteers (by 6.0% per 33 months, i.e. 2.2% per year). Statistical differences between values before and after the treatment were detected in a biphasic manner. The characteristic alterations in the human body weight was consistent with the observation that 5.4 kV HELP, i.e. a relatively higher voltage than 3.9 kV, induced biphasic increases in BDNF levels in the mouse brain (fig. 1). Although BDNF levels in the human brain before and after the HELP treatment were not analyzed in the present study, consistent and stable reduction in the body weight after the HELP application may indicate that the BDNF levels in the human brain were increased for a prolonged period.
Mice engineered to overexpress BDNF demonstrated enhanced performance in spatial learning [20]. Significant improvements in spatial learning were observed after a HELP therapy, at the time point when BDNF levels in the brain increased, especially in the cortex [21], which was in accordance with the evidence that increased BDNF levels in the cortex enhance spatial learning and memory [22].
Restoration of decreased BDNF levels in the brain has been an aim of antidepressant treatment [23]. Interestingly, the 4 symptoms that are improved by the EF therapy are major symptoms of masked depression. Increased BDNF levels after the EF therapy using various EF levels may improve depressive mood disorder, which may be resulting in improvements of the 4 symptoms, at least for a temporary period.
In our previous study, intracerebral infusion of recombinant BDNF (8 μg total) continuing for 1 or 2 weeks (prolonged and slow injection), but not for 3 days (short and rapid injection), was associated with the development of infarct tolerance in rats [5]. Repetitive spreading depression stimulations that increase BDNF levels in the brain [24] induced infarct tolerance, 2 weeks after repetitive spreading depression in rats and 1 week after spreading depression in mice [25,26]. Importantly, the rate of passage of biological time is inversely correlated to [body weight]2, as represented by longevity and the heart/respiration rate among animal species [27]. The biological time of 1 week in mice is considered to be several months in humans.
Thus, the development of infarct tolerance appears to require prior and prolonged elevation of intracerebral BDNF levels. However, BDNF levels in the brain do not necessarily last for a long time after various HELP therapies but fluctuate and sometimes decline, depending on its voltage level and the treatment period (fig. 1). Because there was a rebound-like phenomenon of the body weight in mice (fig. 3), possibly caused by a rapid and excessive increase and the following unresponsive, silent period (fig. 1, the decline at 12 weeks in the 5.4-kV group), the selection of voltage in HELP treatment is extremely important to elevate intracerebral BDNF levels for a prolonged period. In the present study, we selected 3.9 kV on the body for the human therapy, a mathematically simulated value that can elevate BDNF levels for a prolonged time, taken from data obtained in our experimental studies using mice, which ranged between 3.1 kV (insufficient) and 5.4 kV (excessive).
As regards safe and practical methods to increase BDNF levels, physical exercise [28] and chronic dietary restriction [29] have been shown to upregulate BDNF in the brain. In addition to these safe methods that are not necessarily applicable to many people, HELP with an appropriate voltage for 1 h per day may have the potential to increase BDNF levels in the brain for a prolonged period. Increased BDNF theoretically improves neurological, emotional, and metabolic disorders associated with reduced or subnormal BDNF levels in the brain [30]. Additional studies focusing on the effect of HELP with an appropriate voltage on the body surface (not unstable, excessive or insufficient) on impaired cognitive/learning function, depressive mood disorders, and other neurological, mental and metabolic disorders are required to better understand the significance of HELP therapy. A sophisticated HELP therapy with an optimal voltage on the body, rather than the traditional EF therapy with various electric powers, has the potential as an innovative, macrobiotic new intervention to recover or improve human health.
We thank the valuable assistance of Momosaki Nozomi and Shiozuka Eri at the Laboratory of Neurology and Neurosurgery, NCVC, and the valuable pieces of advice given by Doge Fuyuki and Takahashi Kunito at Hakuju Co. Ltd.