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Many people escape sudden death from ischemic brain stroke, but suffer from severe disabilities such as aphasia and/or paralysis. These survivors of focal brain injury need chronic care to recover from and/or compensate for the impaired sensory and motor functions previously controlled by the focal ischemic core. Functional compensation not only involves the remaining brain areas around the infarction but also the areas contralateral to the stroke lesion, with the need for remodeling of neuronal circuits in some cases. In this review, recent human and animal studies are presented to aid in the understanding of such plasticity in areas contralateral to the stroke lesion providing a new model for rehabilitation. It is well known in the medical field that the intact contralateral hemisphere is recruited for functional remodeling of modalities such as speech. However, the detailed mechanisms underlying these phenomena are less clear. In rodents, in vivo imaging techniques combined with other traditional techniques such as electrophysiology and behavior have revealed that functional recovery is achieved by specific synaptic (neuronal circuit) remodeling of the contralateral area in the 1st week after a focal stroke. The intact contralateral hemisphere can therefore potentially adopt a bilateral function, even in adults, following proper remodeling of neuronal circuits. These recent results suggest a possible new pathway using the intact hemisphere's function to recover lost functions stroke patients.

After stroke, unlike following heart attacks, survivors often remain debilitated and thus severely reducing their quality of life and burdoning their families. Stroke is the leading cause of chronic adult disability and the third leading cause of death in Japan (resulting in 130 thousand deaths per year) [1]. In the case of Japan, although the fatality rate has decreased in the last few decades, a large number of survivors still suffer from functional disabilities that lead to the second largest (1.1 million person-years) loss of disability-adjusted life years [1]. Despite advances in medical care for stroke, more efficacious medical intervention, including research and rehabilitation, are necessary to reduce this health burden. Survivors of focal brain stroke need chronic care to facilitate recovery from/compensation for the specific functions that were impaired by damage to the neural pathways involved. These functions include speech and other sensory and motor functions. Functional compensation utilizes the remaining brain areas in the peri-infarction area but also incorporated brain areas contralateral to the lesion that can be remodeled to adopt new or expanded functions. Rehabilitation strongly contributes to this recovery/compensation process and plays an important role to achieve a good post-stroke quality of life.

In this review, we concentrate on the neuronal adaptations that occur in the contralateral area during recovery from stroke damage. We hope this review provides an enhanced comprehension of the contralateral neuroplasticity and to help facilitate more focused medical care and rehabilitation that ultimately improves recovery of functions.

The fully developed healthy brain is highly flexible during development as new connections are formed and removed through use-dependent processes. Environmental experience from infancy to adulthood and likely in the fully matured brain can markedly affect this plasticity and the resultant function of the human brain. Neuronal circuits in the adult brain are also plastic - being maintained and adapted to life events such as learning new tasks and recovering from brain injury [2]. Recent advances in functional imaging of human brain activity using, for example, positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging have revealed the reorganization of the human brain during recovery from stroke showing important changes in the areas contralateral to the injured site [3,4].

In humans who suffered a focal stroke in the language areas, it is well known that there is some recovery of language by using the nondominant hemisphere, usually the right hemisphere [4]. Some research has also highlighted the contribution of the peri-infarction area for recovery from aphasia. There is also clinical evidence showing that the post-stroke reorganization within the somatosensory system in the contralateral (intact) hemisphere plays an important role in the compensation for impaired functions [5,6]. Thus, the underlying mechanism of this compensation occurring in the intact hemisphere is important for optimizing the functional recovery of human stroke patients [3].

As with these clinical cases, animal experiments have shown that cortical finger representations adjacent to partly damaged finger representations became enlarged during rehabilitation, while they remained unchanged in the control untreated monkeys [7]. This experiment and others have provided evidence that reorganization occurs in the adult nervous system in regions adjacent to a damaged region that leads to plastic changes of the sensory representation of the affected modality. Also in animal models of stroke, unilateral experimental infarctions in the somatosensory cortex (SSC) and motor cortex result in functional and structural changes in the remaining intact contralateral hemisphere. Infarction in the SSC changes the receptive field at the contralateral SSC at 1 week after stroke [8]. After the recovery of motor function that was impaired by cerebral infarction, the topographic map is reorganized and the dendritic branching of layer V pyramidal neurons is increased in the contralateral motor cortex [9], and this is enhanced by an early onset of rehabilitation-like tasks in mice [10]. These results suggest that a change in the underlying neuronal circuits in the contralateral hemisphere may occur during functional recovery from stroke.

Axons sprout from the neurons in the contralateral SSC and motor cortex following stroke, projecting into the deafferented regions of the cervical spinal cord and midbrain that previously received a projection from the now infarcted area [11,12]. This sprouting can be unequivocally demonstrated, as it results in a novel contralateral projection. Formation of these new axons and branches involves specific molecular events, and these appear to be at least partially distinct from those that regulate axonal growth cone behavior during development [13]. In terms of functional assessment, pharmacological stimulation of axonal sprouting from the contralateral cortex into the cervical spinal cord and brain stem is correlated with improved functional recovery after stroke [14,15].

Although there is now strong evidence for the contribution of the contralateral (intact) hemisphere to functional recovery after stroke, the nature of the neuronal and circuit remodeling had until recently been less well understood because of the limitations in the resolution of positron emission tomography/functional magnetic resonance imaging. However, recent intense studies using higher-resolution in vivo two-photon laser microscopy have revealed a number of neuronal events during the recovery phase after stroke. These include neuronal circuit remodeling (e.g. spine turnover [16]), and glial contribution to synapse remodeling [17] in the damaged hemisphere, as well as neuronal remodeling induced in the contralateral hemisphere, which occurs with different mechanisms and time course [16,18,19].

A focal stroke in the SSC in mice results in paralysis and sensory loss in the contralateral side (e.g. left-hemisphere stroke induces right-side paralysis). However, mice show strong functional recovery by 2-4 weeks after stroke, even if the size of the ischemia and damage covered the whole SSC [18]. A key question is: what is happening in the area contralateral to the lesion during this functional compensation?

A focal stroke increases the receptive field of the SSC not only in the peri-infarction area but also the area contralateral to the lesion [8]. After focal stroke, uptake of glucose (radio-labeled glucose; 18F-FDG) is increased in the area contralateral to the lesion [18] indicating that the neuronal (and/or glial) activity of the area is increased. This enhanced activity in the area contralateral to the lesion returns to normal levels by 4 weeks after stroke. What happens to the fine neuronal circuit structures in the contralateral SSC during this time of enhanced brain activity has been observed using the two-photon laser microscopy technique in vivo. The turnover of mushroom-type (stable) dendritic spines in the contralateral SSC was increased after stroke, but only at 1 week (fig. 1a) [18]. This time-limited change in the turnover of spines is also seen in the case of stroke within the visual cortex [19]. This restricted period of increased spine turnover is quite different compared with that of the peri-infarction area, where the turnover rate is high even 6 weeks after stroke [16]. Mushroom spines are more stable compared to other spine types (thin and filopodial) being stable for more than a month, or even for a year, in the nonischemic healthy brain [20,21]. It has also been reported that such mushroom spines become more apparent in response to focal and repetitive neuronal circuit activation and a stimulus that mimics the induction of long-term potentiation [22]. The conclusion is that mushroom spines seem to be necessary for long-term memory and maintaining normal function of neuronal networks. Thus, an increase in the turnover of mushroom spines following stroke induces some kind of adaptation in brain function. Interestingly, smaller spines tend to be preferentially eliminated in the contralateral SSC [Takatsuru and Nabekura, unpubl. obs.] as observed in the SSC of a chronic pain model (enhanced afferent activity [23]). Thus, in readjusted neuronal networks, smaller (weak) synapses could be replaced by newly generated synapses. Note again that the increase in the turnover of mushroom spines in the contralateral area was only induced within 1 week after stroke, i.e. a limited time period.

Fig. 1

Structural and functional remodeling in the cortex contralateral to infarction. a Left: typical in vivo images of dendritic spines in the SSC taken during the first and second imaging sessions (6 h later). The arrows in the upper panels and the arrowheads in the lower panels show the appearance (gain) and disappearance (loss) of spine. Scale bars, 10 μm. The insets show higher-magnitude images (scale bars, 2 μm). Right: note that significantly greater gain (upper panel) and loss of spines (lower panel) in the SSC contralateral to infarction was limited at 1 week. Error bars represent ± SEM. n.s. = Not significantly different compared with both control and sham by the Bonferroni test; D = days; W = weeks. b A focal infarction in the right SSC induced the appearance of new neuronal circuits in the left SSC. Current source density maps of electrical responses in the SSC (left), contralateral to infarction in the right hemisphere, to stimulation of the left limbs. The dashed circle represents the spatial and temporal distribution of the strongest sink and source of the current source density. Note that the neuronal circuit activity in response to left limb stimulation in stroke mice gradually developed and became particularly distinct at 4 weeks. W = Weeks; D = days. Adopted and modified from Takatsuru et al. [18].

Fig. 1

Structural and functional remodeling in the cortex contralateral to infarction. a Left: typical in vivo images of dendritic spines in the SSC taken during the first and second imaging sessions (6 h later). The arrows in the upper panels and the arrowheads in the lower panels show the appearance (gain) and disappearance (loss) of spine. Scale bars, 10 μm. The insets show higher-magnitude images (scale bars, 2 μm). Right: note that significantly greater gain (upper panel) and loss of spines (lower panel) in the SSC contralateral to infarction was limited at 1 week. Error bars represent ± SEM. n.s. = Not significantly different compared with both control and sham by the Bonferroni test; D = days; W = weeks. b A focal infarction in the right SSC induced the appearance of new neuronal circuits in the left SSC. Current source density maps of electrical responses in the SSC (left), contralateral to infarction in the right hemisphere, to stimulation of the left limbs. The dashed circle represents the spatial and temporal distribution of the strongest sink and source of the current source density. Note that the neuronal circuit activity in response to left limb stimulation in stroke mice gradually developed and became particularly distinct at 4 weeks. W = Weeks; D = days. Adopted and modified from Takatsuru et al. [18].

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Following this transient increase in mushroom spine turnover, novel neuronal circuits appear that correlate with ipsilateral limb stimulation. For example, a novel neuronal circuit is detected in the right SSC in the case of left SSC stroke that now responds to the (ipsilateral) right limb stimulation. This finding suggests that the increase in the early turnover of mushroom spine actually induces a change in the neuronal circuit that contributes to the remodeling of brain and functional recovery. After this neuronal circuit remodeling, bilateral processing of somatosensory function is achieved in the intact hemisphere (fig. 1b). In the 2nd week after stroke, local application of 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, a potent α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid type glutamate receptor antagonist, into the intact hemisphere prevents the behavioral response to stimulation of both the right and left hind limb [18]. Yang et al. [24] reported an increase in mushroom spines in the motor and sensory cortices during motor training or somatosensory stimulation, respectively. In case of motor learning, the number of newly formed mushroom spines was correlated with the performance of motor coordination, and such newly formed mushroom spines had a long survival time. Similarly, in the case of functional recovery from stroke, the over 85% of mushroom spines in the contralateral area newly formed during 2-7 days after stroke survived for 5 days or longer [Y. Takatsura and J. Nabekura, unpubl. data].

Taken together, important structural and functional changes in the neuronal circuit occur in the area contralateral to a stroke lesion during a very limited time period (1 week) after stroke in the animal model (fig. 1). It will now be important to correlate the time course of this sequence of changes (increased activity, increased mushroom spine turnover, neuronal circuit remodeling and functional recovery) to the improved outcome for human stroke patients.

Rehabilitation is an important process for the recovery from, and/or compensation for, the loss of function following a focal brain injury. To prevent or reduce the sustained loss of function, rehabilitation should be started as soon as possible after stroke. However, it is sometimes difficult to start the rehabilitation in the early post-stroke phase because of the necessity of acute medical care. Thus, when is the appropriate timing to start the rehabilitation?

The consensus from human imaging studies is that the most successful recovery occurs in individuals that exhibit relatively normal lateralized patterns of sensory activation in the hemisphere in which the stroke has taken place. It is said that patients with larger strokes who often show bilateral cortical activation typically have less complete recovery [25,26]. However, the timing of rehabilitation has not been reported in those cases and there is some possibility that less complete recovery was related to a delayed or inappropriate timing of rehabilitation.

Animal studies indicate that many of the genes and proteins that are important for neuronal growth, synaptogenesis and the proliferation of dendritic spines are expressed at their highest levels during early brain development. Similarly, there is an increased expression of these genes for a limited period following stroke [27,28]. Furthermore, animals given early rehabilitation resulted in significant recovery, whereas animals given delayed treatment exhibited little improvement. Notably, early enrichment increased the dendritic branching of layer V cortical neurons, whereas enrichment that was delayed until 30 days after stroke had no effect [10]. An early onset of rehabilitation achieves good clinical results [29]. These data provide strong evidence for a critical period after stroke, during which the brain is most receptive to modification by rehabilitative experience, and suggest that earlier therapy is better.

As a precaution, other animal studies have shown that very early, intensive therapy may have detrimental effects and exacerbate brain injury through overuse of the affected limb [30,31]. However, if we think about the timing of the structural plasticity in mice after stroke, mushroom spine turnover in the contralateral area is not seen very early after stroke (2 days) but becomes transiently apparent at 7 days after stroke [18]. Hence, discrete rehabilitation strategies may have individual time windows during the rehabilitation process after stroke. In mice, brain activity is high in the contralateral area at 2 days after stroke, but not yet structurally adapted plastic (which is seen at 7 days). There seems to be an individual time window for any contralateral remodeling and functional recovery, such as a ‘making new synapses' phase, a ‘using new synapses' phase, and ‘reorganization of circuits' function (fig. 2). It is important to think about these specific time windows, and to assess more precisely ‘what happens during stroke recovery in mice' may lead to advances in post-stroke care and rehabilitation.

Fig. 2

Schematic illustration of the time course of plasticity and remodeling of the contralateral (intact) hemisphere following a stroke in mice, which can ultimately result in some compensation for the loss of sensory function. Immediately after a stroke in the SSC, the peripheral sensations from the side contralateral to the ischemic area are lost. During the acute post-stroke phase (within 2 days after stroke), the neuronal activity in the brain contralateral to infarction is increased (line 1). This increase in neuronal activity is followed by an increase in the turnover rate of mushroom spines in the intact SSC. This dendritic remodeling occurs during a limited time window, i.e. about 1 week (line 2). Subsequently, a new electrical pattern of neuronal circuits in response to ipsilateral sensory stimulation is gradually generated in the intact hemisphere (line 3). These new neuronal circuits contribute to a compensation or recovery of behavioral function which had been impaired by the infarction (line 4). We propose that rehabilitation plans should account for these different post-stroke phases - making new synapses and/or using new synapses, reorganization of functional circuits - and thus, could differ depending on these time phases of remodeling.

Fig. 2

Schematic illustration of the time course of plasticity and remodeling of the contralateral (intact) hemisphere following a stroke in mice, which can ultimately result in some compensation for the loss of sensory function. Immediately after a stroke in the SSC, the peripheral sensations from the side contralateral to the ischemic area are lost. During the acute post-stroke phase (within 2 days after stroke), the neuronal activity in the brain contralateral to infarction is increased (line 1). This increase in neuronal activity is followed by an increase in the turnover rate of mushroom spines in the intact SSC. This dendritic remodeling occurs during a limited time window, i.e. about 1 week (line 2). Subsequently, a new electrical pattern of neuronal circuits in response to ipsilateral sensory stimulation is gradually generated in the intact hemisphere (line 3). These new neuronal circuits contribute to a compensation or recovery of behavioral function which had been impaired by the infarction (line 4). We propose that rehabilitation plans should account for these different post-stroke phases - making new synapses and/or using new synapses, reorganization of functional circuits - and thus, could differ depending on these time phases of remodeling.

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