Cortisol Excess and Insufficiency
Disorders associated with cortisol excess and insufficiency, although rare, deserve the attention of the entire medical community because of high associated morbidity and mortality. Both diagnosis and management of hypo- and hypercortisolism are challenging, and disease presentation, at both clinical and laboratory level is not always definite. New tools are available for non-invasive and early diagnosis, and the choice of treatment should be tailored to each patient to improve quality of life through the regulation of the levels and rhythm of hormonal secretion, while limiting complications associated with the disease and therapies. In this new volume, top experts have contributed chapters on the pathognomonic, epidemiological, clinical, radiological, and laboratory aspects of the various disorders associated with altered cortisol secretion. They also present information on still debated standpoints on management. Cortisol Excess and Insufficiency is a valuable reference book for those wishing to have a reasoned and broad overview of the pathophysiology and management of disorders associated with hypo- and hypercortisolism.
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Table of Contents
1 - 14: Pseudo-Cushing - A Clinical Challenge?ByFrancesca Pecori Giraldi;Francesca Pecori GiraldiDepartment of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, and Neuroendocrinology Research Laboratory, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Alberto G. AmbrogioAlberto G. AmbrogioDepartment of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, and Neuroendocrinology Research Laboratory, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
15 - 27: Cushing's Syndrome: Where and How to Find ItByMiguel Debono;Miguel DebonoAcademic Unit of Endocrinology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UKSearch for other works by this author on:John D. Newell-PriceJohn D. Newell-PriceAcademic Unit of Endocrinology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UKSearch for other works by this author on:
28 - 38: Subclinical Hypercortisolism: How to Deal with It?ByIacopo Chiodini;Iacopo ChiodiniUnit of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Valentina MorelliValentina MorelliUnit of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, University of Milan, Milan, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
39 - 53: Etiopathogeny of Primary Adrenal HypercortisolismByFritz-Line Vélayoudom-Céphise;Fritz-Line Vélayoudom-CéphiseaDepartment of Endocrinology, USN Haut-Lévêque, University Hospital of Bordeaux, Pessac,bResearch Group Clinical Epidemiology and Medicine ECM/LAMIA EA 4540, University of Antilles and Guyane, Guadeloupe,Search for other works by this author on:Magali Haissaguerre;Magali HaissaguerreaDepartment of Endocrinology, USN Haut-Lévêque, University Hospital of Bordeaux, Pessac,cUniversity of Bordeaux 2 - Victor-Segalen, anddINSERM U862, Neurocentre Magendie, Bordeaux, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:Antoine TabarinAntoine TabarinaDepartment of Endocrinology, USN Haut-Lévêque, University Hospital of Bordeaux, Pessac,cUniversity of Bordeaux 2 - Victor-Segalen, anddINSERM U862, Neurocentre Magendie, Bordeaux, FranceSearch for other works by this author on:
54 - 65: Metabolic Alterations and Cardiovascular Outcomes of Cortisol ExcessByRosario Pivonello;Rosario PivonelloDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Maria Cristina De Martino;Maria Cristina De MartinoDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Davide Iacuaniello;Davide IacuanielloDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Chiara Simeoli;Chiara SimeoliDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Giovanna Muscogiuri;Giovanna MuscogiuriDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Francesco Carlomagno;Francesco CarlomagnoDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Monica De Leo;Monica De LeoDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Alessia Cozzolino;Alessia CozzolinoDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Annamaria ColaoAnnamaria ColaoDivision of Endocrinology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II di Napoli, Naples, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
66 - 73: Skeletal Fragility in Endogenous HypercortisolismByGherardo Mazziotti;Gherardo MazziottiaEndocrinology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Adriano Delgado;Adriano DelgadoaEndocrinology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy;bEndocrine Service, Hospital Santo Tomas, Panama City, PanamaSearch for other works by this author on:Filippo Maffezzoni;Filippo MaffezzoniaEndocrinology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Annamaria Formenti;Annamaria FormentiaEndocrinology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Andrea GiustinaAndrea GiustinaaEndocrinology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:
74 - 86: Cortisol Excess and the BrainByEugenia Resmini;Eugenia ResminiDepartment of Endocrinology/Medicine, Hospital Sant Pau, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBER-ER, Unidad 747), IIB-Sant Pau, ISCIII, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, SpainSearch for other works by this author on:Alicia Santos;Alicia SantosDepartment of Endocrinology/Medicine, Hospital Sant Pau, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBER-ER, Unidad 747), IIB-Sant Pau, ISCIII, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, SpainSearch for other works by this author on:Susan M. WebbSusan M. WebbDepartment of Endocrinology/Medicine, Hospital Sant Pau, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBER-ER, Unidad 747), IIB-Sant Pau, ISCIII, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, SpainSearch for other works by this author on:
87 - 105: Update on Hypercortisolism TherapyByGiorgio Arnaldi;Giorgio ArnaldiClinic of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona University Hospital, Ancona, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Laura TrementinoLaura TrementinoClinic of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona University Hospital, Ancona, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
106 - 114: Is Adrenal Insufficiency a Rare Disease?ByPer Dahlqvist;Per DahlqvistaDepartment of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Umeå,Search for other works by this author on:Magnus Isaksson;Magnus IsakssonbDepartment of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, andSearch for other works by this author on:Sophie BensingSophie BensingcDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SwedenSearch for other works by this author on:
115 - 132: From Genetic Predisposition to Molecular Mechanisms of Autoimmune Primary Adrenal InsufficiencyByAlberto Falorni;Alberto FalorniaSection of Internal Medicine and Endocrine and Metabolic Sciences, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, andSearch for other works by this author on:Annalisa Brozzetti;Annalisa BrozzettiaSection of Internal Medicine and Endocrine and Metabolic Sciences, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, andSearch for other works by this author on:Roberto PerniolaRoberto PerniolabDepartment of Pediatrics - Neonatal Intensive Care, V. Fazzi Regional Hospital, Lecce, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
133 - 145: From Appearance of Adrenal Autoantibodies to Clinical Symptoms of Addison's Disease: Natural HistoryByCorrado Betterle;Corrado BetterleaEndocrine Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Padua, Padua, andSearch for other works by this author on:Silvia Garelli;Silvia GarellibUnit of Internal Medicine, Ospedale dell'Angelo, Mestre-Venezia, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Fabio Presotto;Fabio PresottobUnit of Internal Medicine, Ospedale dell'Angelo, Mestre-Venezia, Italy;Search for other works by this author on:Jadwiga FurmaniakJadwiga FurmaniakcFIRS Laboratories, RSR Ltd., Cardiff, UKSearch for other works by this author on:
146 - 158: Is Diagnosis and Subclassification of Adrenal Insufficiency as Easy as It LooksByLisanne C.C.J. Smans;Lisanne C.C.J. SmansSection of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht, The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:Pierre M.J. ZelissenPierre M.J. ZelissenSection of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht, The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:
159 - 170: Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency: Where Is It Hidden and What Does It Look Like?ByFederica Guaraldi;Federica GuaraldiaDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Medical Science,Search for other works by this author on:Ioannis Karamouzis;Ioannis KaramouzisaDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Medical Science,Search for other works by this author on:Rita Berardelli;Rita BerardellibDivision of Oncological Endocrinology, Department of Medical Science, andSearch for other works by this author on:Valentina D'Angelo;Valentina D'AngelobDivision of Oncological Endocrinology, Department of Medical Science, andSearch for other works by this author on:Alessia Rampino;Alessia RampinocDepartment of Clinical and Biological Science, University of Turin, Turin, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Clizia Zichi;Clizia ZichibDivision of Oncological Endocrinology, Department of Medical Science, andSearch for other works by this author on:Ezio Ghigo;Ezio GhigoaDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Medical Science,Search for other works by this author on:Roberta GiordanoRoberta GiordanocDepartment of Clinical and Biological Science, University of Turin, Turin, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:
171 - 183: Quality of Life and Life Expectancy in Patients with Adrenal Insufficiency: What Is True and What Is Urban MythByStephanie Burger-Stritt;Stephanie Burger-StrittDepartment of Medicine I, Endocrinology and Diabetology, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, GermanySearch for other works by this author on:Alina Pulzer;Alina PulzerDepartment of Medicine I, Endocrinology and Diabetology, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, GermanySearch for other works by this author on:Stefanie HahnerStefanie HahnerDepartment of Medicine I, Endocrinology and Diabetology, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, GermanySearch for other works by this author on:
184 - 195: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Unresolved IssuesByMabel Yau;Mabel YauaAdrenal Steroid Disorders Group, Department of Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, andSearch for other works by this author on:Ahmed Khattab;Ahmed KhattabaAdrenal Steroid Disorders Group, Department of Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, andSearch for other works by this author on:Dix Poppas;Dix PoppasbInstitute of Pediatric Urology, Department of Urology, Komansky Center for Children's Health, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical School, New York, N.Y., USA;Search for other works by this author on:Lucia Ghizzoni;Lucia GhizzonicDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, ItalySearch for other works by this author on:Maria NewMaria NewaAdrenal Steroid Disorders Group, Department of Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, andSearch for other works by this author on:
196 - 210: Adrenal Insufficiency Therapy: How to Keep the Balance between Good Quality of Life and Low Risk for Long-Term Side EffectsByKaterina Simunkova;Katerina SimunkovaDepartment of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwaySearch for other works by this author on:Eystein S. HusebyeEystein S. HusebyeDepartment of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwaySearch for other works by this author on: