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Multiple Sclerosis East and West: Asian Multiple Sclerosis Workshop, Kyoto, September 1981 / Satellite Symposium Multiple Sclerosis and 12th World Congress of Neurology, Kyoto, September 1981: Proceedings
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Book Chapter
49 - 56: Multiple Sclerosis in Okinawa
Hidemasa Higa
Hidemasa Higa
Department of Internal Medicine, Naha City Hospital, Okinawa, Japan * Department of Internal Medicine, Okinawa Central Hospital, Okinawa ** Department of Psychiatry, Ryukyu University School of Medicine, Okinawa *** Department of Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata
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Kazutaka Toyonaga
Kazutaka Toyonaga
Department of Internal Medicine, Naha City Hospital, Okinawa, Japan * Department of Internal Medicine, Okinawa Central Hospital, Okinawa ** Department of Psychiatry, Ryukyu University School of Medicine, Okinawa *** Department of Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata
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Takeo Nishihira
Takeo Nishihira
Department of Internal Medicine, Naha City Hospital, Okinawa, Japan * Department of Internal Medicine, Okinawa Central Hospital, Okinawa ** Department of Psychiatry, Ryukyu University School of Medicine, Okinawa *** Department of Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata
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Hajime Sakugawa
Hajime Sakugawa
Department of Internal Medicine, Naha City Hospital, Okinawa, Japan * Department of Internal Medicine, Okinawa Central Hospital, Okinawa ** Department of Psychiatry, Ryukyu University School of Medicine, Okinawa *** Department of Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata
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Fusahiro Ikuta
Fusahiro Ikuta
Department of Internal Medicine, Naha City Hospital, Okinawa, Japan * Department of Internal Medicine, Okinawa Central Hospital, Okinawa ** Department of Psychiatry, Ryukyu University School of Medicine, Okinawa *** Department of Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata
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Hidemasa Higa, Kazutaka Toyonaga, Takeo Nishihira, Hajime Sakugawa, Fusahiro Ikuta, 1983. "Multiple Sclerosis in Okinawa", Multiple Sclerosis East and West: Asian Multiple Sclerosis Workshop, Kyoto, September 1981 / Satellite Symposium Multiple Sclerosis and 12th World Congress of Neurology, Kyoto, September 1981: Proceedings, Y. Kuroiwa, L.T. Kurland
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Multiple Sclerosis East and West