Malnutrition caused by deficiencies of vitamins and minerals - also called hidden hunger - impairs both the intellectual and physical development of a child. Due to the absence of clinical symptoms and assessments, no intervention can be staged. The tragedy is that this, in turn, decreases the child’s chance to escape from poverty.
This book looks at malnutrition in high-income countries, the nutrition transition and nutritional deficiencies in low-income countries, consequences of hidden hunger, and interventions to improve nutrition security. Written by leading experts in the field, it clearly stresses that national governments and international organizations must make malnutrition one of their top priorities in order to provide children with optimal conditions for a healthy future.
184 - 192: Behavioral Change Strategies for Improving Complementary Feeding and Breastfeeding
Book Series: World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Saskia J.M. Osendarp, Marion L. Roche, 2016. "Behavioral Change Strategies for Improving Complementary Feeding and Breastfeeding", Hidden Hunger: Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions, H.K. Biesalski, R.E. Black
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