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Keywords: Toothed whales
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Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2016) 88 (2): 93–110.
Published Online: 13 October 2016
...) with histological and stereological methods. For comparison, we included brains of other toothed whale species. Design-based stereology was applied to the primary neocortical areas (M1, S1, A1, V1) of the Indian river dolphins and compared to those of the bottlenose dolphin with respect to layers III and V...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2011) 77 (2): 79–90.
Published Online: 01 March 2011
...A. Kern; U. Siebert; B. Cozzi; P.R. Hof; H.H.A. Oelschläger We investigated the quantitative morphology of the neocortex (gray matter) in 2 toothed whale (odontocete) species (harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena ; bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus ) with stereological methods. The 4 primary...