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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2010) 75 (4): 262–270.
Published Online: 28 June 2010
...Gina M. Presley; William Lonergan; Joanne Chu Neural systems mediating motivation and reward have been well described in mammalian model systems, especially with reference to reward properties of drugs of abuse. Far less is known of the neural mechanisms underlying motivation and reward in non...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1969) 2 (4): 330–342.
Published Online: 28 May 2010
...W.W. Roberts 330 Roberts Are Hypothalamic Motivational Mechanisms Functionally and Anatomically Specific? 331 defensive threat descend through a dorsomedial path, probably the peri­ ventricular system. Elicitation of the first group of responses by hypothal­ amic stimulation was blocked by lateral...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1969) 2 (4): 295–316.
Published Online: 04 April 2008
... lynn, 1966], while stimulation eliciting eating, drinking, gnawing and copulation, for example, has uniformly been described as motivationally positive7. In spite of the reservations expressed, it may be correct to conclude that hypothalamic stimulation can modify sensitivities to selective features...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1969) 2 (4): 317–329.
Published Online: 04 April 2008
... from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Hypothalamus Motivation Electrical stimulation Opossum Rat Cat Brain Behavior Evol. 2: 317-342 (1969) Hypothalamus Opossum Motivation Rat Electrical stimulation Cat Are Hypothalamic...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1998) 52 (6): 257–262.
Published Online: 06 November 1998
...Marta Balasko; Michel Cabanac Juvenile green iguanas were placed in a situation of conflict between two motivations: a thermoregulatory drive and the attraction of a palatable bait. To be able to reach the bait (lettuce), they had to leave a warm refuge, provided with standard food, and venture...