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Keywords: Insect Vision
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1990) 35 (2): 107–115.
Published Online: 01 February 2008
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Photoreceptor projection Neural evolution Insect Vision Visual...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1996) 47 (1): 42–54.
Published Online: 08 January 2008
... Stimuli by the Praying Mantis, Sphodromantis lineola (Burmeister) Key Words Insect vision Mantis Praying mantis Prey recognition Vision Visual perception Abstract Adult, female praying mantises, Sphodromantis lineola (Burmeister), were pre­ sented with mechanically driven or computer generated stimuli...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1999) 54 (5): 243–262.
Published Online: 06 January 2000
... of the mantid’s prey-recognition subsystem. Descending interneurons Insect vision Mantid Movement detection Praying mantis Prey detection Prey recognition Sphodromantis lineola Visual interneurons Visual processing © 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel 2000 Copyright / Drug Dosage / Disclaimer...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1998) 52 (1): 1–6.
Published Online: 19 June 1998
.... Curr. Biol., 6: 1392–1395. 2. Hirsch, H.V.B., D. Potter, D. Zawierucha, T. Choudhri, A. Glasser, R.K. Murphey, and D. Byers (1990) Rearing in darkness changes visually-guided choice behavior in Drosophila. Vis. Neurosci., 5: 281–289. 3. Horridge, G.A. (1986) A theory of insect vision...