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Keywords: Homology
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Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2024) 99 (4): 230–247.
Published Online: 16 July 2024
...Kei Yamamoto; Pierre Estienne; Solal Bloch Background: Comparative neuroanatomists have long sought to determine which part of the pallium in nonmammals is homologous to the mammalian neocortex. A number of similar connectivity patterns across species have led to the idea that the basic...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2021) 96 (4-6): 212–241.
Published Online: 09 November 2021
... complex. An early-born superficial subpopulation of the avian LPall that expresses this marker selectively through development was indeed found. This was proposed to be a claustrum homolog, whereas the remaining Nr4a2 -negative avian LPall cells were assumed to represent a possible insular homolog...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2021) 95 (5): 222–229.
Published Online: 10 February 2021
... to provide a more holistic understanding, and subsequently treatments, takes a phylogenetic view of addiction. This perspective is based on deep homologies at the genetic, proteomic, and behavioral levels, which are shared across all metazoan life; particularly those organisms faced with plant secondary...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2019) 93 (2-3): 57–69.
Published Online: 15 August 2019
... a great variety of species differences, not just in gene regulation but also in protein coding genes. Particularly relevant are cases in which homologous high-level characters are based on non-homologous genes. This phenomenon of non-orthologous gene displacement, or “deep non-homology,” indicates...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2017) 90 (2): 117–130.
Published Online: 09 October 2017
... of grisea. An outline of the procedure to be followed in these processes of identification and interpretation is presented, and a list of the pertinent homology criteria is provided. [email protected] 9 10 2017 © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel 2017 Copyright / Drug Dosage / Disclaimer...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2017) 90 (1): 7–14.
Published Online: 04 September 2017
..., has subsequently been identified in diverse nonmammalian taxa, but in which the “horse-caterpillar” morphology is lacking. While some strikingly similar functional similarities have been identified, questions of its homology (“sameness”) across these taxa and about the very fundamental relationship...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2014) 84 (4): 243–245.
Published Online: 23 October 2014
... responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Drosophila Eigenmannia Electric fish Evolution Homology Neuroethology Owls Robotics Songbird I recently returned from an incredible...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2013) 82 (4): 215–219.
Published Online: 25 November 2013
... by orthologous action selection circuits that are formed by homologous gene networks and which can lead to similar pathologies and behavioral disorders. It has been argued, however, that these similarities of brain centers can only be due to convergent evolution. What is still missing is a plausible scenario...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1997) 49 (4): 195–204.
Published Online: 01 December 2010
..., primarily because the striking differences in pallial organization between adult mammals, sauropsids, and amphibians enabled different authors to enlist different subsets of similarity data in support of different hypotheses of putative homology. A phylogenetic analysis based on parsimony cannot...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2010) 76 (1): 3–10.
Published Online: 30 September 2010
... and possibly also an elongated central nervous system (CNS): structural homology, character identity networks, and the functional equivalence of character identity genes. Monophyly of the brain also implies that the brain was secondarily reduced and lost multiple times during the course of evolution, leading...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1970) 3 (5-6): 361–367.
Published Online: 28 May 2010
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Homology Homogeny Homoplasy Analogy Evolution Vertebrate ancestry Phylogeny Structural homology Phylogenetic homology Criteria for homology iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2009) 73 (4): 229–252.
Published Online: 18 June 2009
... include a number of distinct cell masses. The morphological interpretations of these cell masses over the past 130 years are reviewed and evaluated in light of a set of carefully selected criteria for homologous relationships. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of a cell mass known as Dp...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1970) 3 (5-6): 353–360.
Published Online: 03 April 2008
... or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Homology Homogeny Homoplasy Analogy Evolution Vertebrate ancestry Phylogeny Structural homology Phylogenetic homology Criteria for homology r.r 7..ffl,^oT|trrr"t^^it< rim nw...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1991) 38 (4-5): 240–254.
Published Online: 30 January 2008
...Andrew Bass; Robert Baker Evolutionary neurobiologists want to know how neuronal properties (or traits) have been modified to subserve adaptive changes in behavioral phenotypes. Homology can provide a conceptual framework to distinguish the separate contributions of phylogenetic factors and current...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1991) 38 (4-5): 255–263.
Published Online: 30 January 2008
...H. Baker The phylogenetic history of neurons, as derived from the establishment of homologies, has been thought to be useful for furthering the understanding of nervous system function and behavior. The sensitivity of current biochemical and molecular techniques has been heralded as the ultimate...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1991) 38 (4-5): 177–189.
Published Online: 30 January 2008
...Georg F. Striedter; R. Glenn Northcutt Although most biologists agree that homology must be defined in terms of common ancestry, the details of this definition remain controversial. We review briefly the disagreements concerning the formal definition of homology and the methodology used...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1994) 43 (6): 293–305.
Published Online: 15 January 2008
...Kathleen K. Smith Hypotheses that neuromotor systems are conserved during evolution are examined. Focus is on the fundamental assumption underlying such hypotheses, that neuromotor patterns are homologous. The criteria for testing hypotheses of homology are briefly reviewed and applied to several...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1997) 49 (4): 205–213.
Published Online: 08 January 2008
..., primarily because the striking differences in pallial organization between adult mammals, sauropsids, and amphibians enabled different authors to enlist different subsets of similarity data in support of different hypotheses of putative homology. A phylogenetic analysis based on parsimony cannot...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1997) 49 (4): 179–194.
Published Online: 08 January 2008
..., primarily because the striking differences in pallial organization between adult mammals, sauropsids, and amphibians enabled different authors to enlist different subsets of similarity data in support of different hypotheses of putative homology. A phylogenetic analysis based on parsimony cannot...