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Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2023) 98 (6): 290–301.
Published Online: 01 November 2023
...Molly C. Womack; Kim L. Hoke Introduction: Shared selection pressures often explain convergent trait loss, yet anurans (frogs and toads) have lost their middle ears at least 38 times with no obvious shared selection pressures unifying “earless” taxa. Anuran tympanic middle ear loss is especially...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2016) 87 (3): 175–183.
Published Online: 24 August 2016
... and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Amphibian Reptile Lizard Turtle Snake Frog Salamander Neurogenesis Season Testosterone Adult...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2016) 87 (2): 117–127.
Published Online: 13 May 2016
...Andreas Elepfandt; Silke Lebrecht; Kirsten Schroedter; Britta Brudermanns; Renate Hillig; Claire Schuberth; Alexander Fliess The ability to locate and discriminate water surface waves that impinge simultaneously from multiple directions was studied in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis . Monofrequency...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (2010) 75 (4): 262–270.
Published Online: 28 June 2010
... the green tree frog, Hyla cinerea , to examine whether AMPH could induce both CPP and a dose response change in motor behaviors. We demonstrated that H. cinerea can show place conditioning to AMPH following 14 days of training and that AMPH can cause reversal of a strong baseline place preference...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (1): 42–48.
Published Online: 01 June 2010
...Paul Grobstein This article reviews some recent findings on the character of the neuronal organization lying between the optic tectum and motor pattern-generating circuitry in the case of orienting behaviors. It focuses on frogs but notes parallels to existing work on saccade control in mammals...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (4): 235–242.
Published Online: 01 June 2010
... responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Brachial spinal cord Frog Muscle sensory afferents Axonal arborizations Dendrites Specificity Specification of Sensory Neurons 235 Table I...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1970) 3 (1-4): 16–29.
Published Online: 03 April 2008
...F. Scalia; K. Gregory 3 4 2008 Brain Behav. Evol. 3: 16-29 (1970) Optic system Retinal projections Optic thalamus Frog Golgi method Rana pipiens Retinofugal Projections in the Frog: Location of the Postsynaptic Neurons1 F. Scalia and K. Gregory Department of Aanatomy, Downstate Medical...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1970) 3 (1-4): 57–71.
Published Online: 03 April 2008
...D. Ingle Brain Behav. Evol. 3: 57-71 (1970) Visual system Optic tectum Visuomotor function Feeding Orienting Avoidance Frog Rana pipiens Visuomotor Functions of the Frog Optic Tectum D. I ngle Neuropsychology Laboratory, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass. Introduction Comparative neurologists have...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1977) 14 (4): 274–297.
Published Online: 03 April 2008
...William Ted Brown; William B. Marks Single unit microelectrode recordings were made in the caudal thalamic region of the frog, Rana pipiens, from a sample of multimodal sensory units which included monocular, binocular, tactile, and spontaneous types, and which showed a wide variety of receptive...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1968) 1 (6): 500–518.
Published Online: 03 April 2008
... from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Optic system Optic tectum Retina Feeding behaviour Toad Frog Orienting response Brain Behav. Evol. 1: 500-518 (1968) Optic system Optic tectum Retina Feeding behavior Toad Frog Orienting...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1971) 4 (6): 413–416.
Published Online: 03 April 2008
...M. Kemali The most superficial zone of the rostral and lateral part of the tectum of the frog contains remarkable spiral-like fibers. © 1971 S. Karger AG, Basel 1971 Copyright / Drug Dosage / Disclaimer Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1975) 12 (3): 151–160.
Published Online: 01 April 2008
... Projections of the Superior Olivary Nucleus in the Frog, Rana catesbeiana1 Kalman R ubinson and M argaret P. Skiles Department of Cell Biology, New York University School of Medicine, and Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, The Public Health Research Institute of the City of New York, New York, N.Y. Key...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1973) 7 (2): 127–144.
Published Online: 01 April 2008
...D. Ingle Frogs presented with two simultaneous andequipotent wormlike stimuli hesitated when the rival objects moved on opposite sides of the midline within the binocular visual field. Competition did not occur between double stimuli when they moved in opposite monocular fields, or both within...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1972) 6 (1-6): 42–68.
Published Online: 27 March 2008
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Telencephalic projections Frog Rana pipiens Amphibian Brain...
Journal Articles
Brain Behav Evol (1972) 5 (6): 443–460.
Published Online: 27 March 2008
...G. Lázár The localization of structures essential foroptokinetic nystagmus (OKN) was investigated in the frog. Isolated lesions were placed in the optic tectum, the pretectal area, the lateral geniculate body, the nucleus of Bellonci and the telencephalon. After simultaneous destruction...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles