In honor of the long-standing collaboration between the JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience and the Journal Brain, Behavior, and Evolution (BBE), we have created this Best of collection with specially selected papers from our journal Brain, Behavior and Evolution. Check out the highlights below.


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Celebrating More Than 30 Years of the Collaboration Between BBE and JBJC

This article collection celebrates the long-standing collaboration between the JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience and the Journal Brain, Behavior, and Evolution (BBE), the main outlet for scientific discourse on nervous system evolution. For over three decades, Karger has sponsored the “Karger Workshop,” which is a one-day symposium on a specific topic in comparative or evolutionary neurobiology, organized by one or more members of the J. B. Johnston Club. After the presentations and panel discussions, the workshop’s speakers are invited to contribute to a series of papers to be published in BBE. In celebration of this fruitful partnership, the Editors-in-Chief have selected ten papers from the Karger Workshop special topic issues published between 2010 and 2020 and compiled this unique “Best of Karger Workshops” article collection. BBE’s editorial team chose the papers based on the topic, the number of citations, and their impact in the field. The listed papers published after 2020 are the Editor’s Choice of the series of papers derived of Karger Workshops also published in BBE.

We take this opportunity to thank both the JBJC members and BBE readers and authors, whose contributions have made the Karger Workshop and BBE the success they are today. We want this celebration to be a new start, and we strongly encourage all the JB Johnston Club members to design still more insightful workshops and contribute to the Journal. BBE is yours.

In this article collection, the articles are displayed by their publication date. All articles are free to access.

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