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Brain, Behavior and Evolution 1988, Vol. 31, No. 2
Organization of Forebrain Projections from the Medullary Reticular Formation in the North American Opossum. Evidence for Connectional Heterogeneity (Part 1 of 2)
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (2): 57–70.
Organization of Forebrain Projections from the Medullary Reticular Formation in the North American Opossum. Evidence for Connectional Heterogeneity (Part 2 of 2)
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (2): 71–81.
Projections of the Vestibular and Cerebellar Nuclei in Rana pipiens
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (2): 82–95.
Retinal Projections in Two Australian Polyprotodont Marsupials: Kowari, Dasyuroides byrnei, and Fat-Tailed Dunnart, Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Dasyuridae)
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (2): 96–110.
Brain/Body Relations among Myomorph Rodents
Subject Area:
Neurology and Neuroscience
Brain Behav Evol (1988) 31 (2): 111–124.