The 2022 meetings of the J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience and Karger Workshop in Evolutionary Neuroscience will be held immediately before the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience on Thursday, November 10 (the Karger Workshop), and Friday, November 11 (the regular JBJC meeting). Both meetings will take place at the Horton Grand Hotel, San Diego CA, USA. This year’s Karger Workshop in Evolutionary Neuroscience, made possible by the continuing support of Karger Publishers, is organized by Daphne Soares with assistance by Grace Capshaw. It is titled “Exaptation, maladaptation and evolution of nervous systems”. The Workshop will examine the concept of exaptation and maladaptation in a wide range of animals, from invertebrates to primates and how this effects our understanding of the nervous system and the forces which have shaped it. On the following day, the program for the annual JBJC meeting will consist of 18 talks submitted by JBJC members selected by the JBJC Program Committee (Alice Powers, Andrew Iwanuik, Darcy B. Kelley) plus a presentation by this year’s invited Karger Speaker, Dr. Bernard Crespi. Additional information and the final schedule of talks will be mailed to JBJC members before the meeting and posted on the JBJC web site (www.jbjclub.org).