Large, complex higher brain centers have evolved many times independently within the vertebrates, but the selective pressures driving these acquisitions have been difficult to pinpoint. It is well established that sensory brain centers become larger and more structurally complex to accommodate processing of a particularly important sensory modality. When higher brain centers such as the cerebral cortex become greatly expanded in a particular lineage, it is likely to support the coordination and execution of more complex behaviors, such as those that require flexibility, learning, and social interaction, in response to selective pressures that made these new behaviors advantageous. Vertebrate studies have established a link between complex behaviors, particularly those associated with sociality, and evolutionary expansions of telencephalic higher brain centers. Enlarged higher brain centers have convergently evolved in groups such as the insects, in which multimodal integration and learning and memory centers called the mushroom bodies have become greatly elaborated in at least four independent lineages. Is it possible that similar selective pressures acting on equivalent behavioral outputs drove the evolution of large higher brain centers in all bilaterians? Sociality has greatly impacted brain evolution in vertebrates such as primates, but it has not been a major driver of higher brain center enlargement in insects. However, feeding behaviors requiring flexibility and learning are associated with large higher brain centers in both phyla. Selection for the ability to support behavioral flexibility appears to be a common thread underlying the evolution of large higher brain centers, but the precise nature of these computations and behaviors may vary.

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