A common pattern of distribution of neurons and fibers containing the calcium-binding proteins calbindin-D28k (CB) and calretinin (CR) in the spinal cord of terrestrial vertebrates has been recently demonstrated. Lungfishes are considered the closest living relatives of tetrapods, but practically no experimental data exist on the organization of their spinal cord. By means of immunohistochemical techniques, the localization of CB and CR was investigated in the spinal cord of the African (Protopterus dolloi) and Australian (Neoceratodus forsteri) lungfishes. Abundant cell bodies and fibers immunoreactive for either CB or CR were widely distributed throughout the spinal cord. A large population of immunoreactive cells was found in the dorsal column of the gray matter in both species, and abundant cells were distributed in the lateral and ventral columns. Ventrolateral motoneurons and multipolar cells were only intensely CB and CR immunoreactive in Neoceratodus. For the most part, separate cell populations contained either CB or CR, but a small subset of dorsally located neurons contained both in the two lungfishes. Colocalization was found in motoneurons and in ventrolaterally located cells only in Neoceratodus. Fiber labeling showed a predominance of CR-containing axons in the lateral and ventral funiculi of presumed supraspinal origin. These results show that lung-fishes and tetrapods have many features in common, suggesting that primitive anatomical, and likely functional, organization of the spinal cord of tetrapods is present in lungfishes.

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