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Keywords: Otoacoustic emission
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Journal Articles
Audiol Neurotol (2023) 28 (3): 169–174.
Published Online: 06 June 2023
... positive for polymerase chain reaction on nasopharyngeal swabs. They had reported normal auditory functions and no history of otology before SARS-CoV-2. To determine auditory functions, pure-tone audiometry, otoacoustic emissions (OAE) tests, and threshold equalizing noise (TEN) tests were used. Results...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Audiol Neurotol (1999) 4 (5): 207–218.
Published Online: 23 July 1999
... to in the content or advertisements. Noise Hearing loss Age effects Auditory brainstem response Otoacoustic emission Fetus Neonate Exposure to loud noise is known to cause cochlear damage with accompanying degradation of auditory function, ranging from subtle changes in the structure...
Journal Articles
Audiol Neurotol (1999) 4 (3-4): 123–128.
Published Online: 01 April 1999
... Cochlear mechanics Otoacoustic emission Intracochlear pressure Cochlear microphonic potential The transmission of the acoustic energy by the middle ear and its dissipation into the inner ear can be studied by direct intracochlear acoustic pressure measurements [Dancer and Franke, 1980; Magnan et...
Journal Articles