Hearing impairment has been associated with cognitive deficits. It is not yet clear whether cochlear implants enable children to reduce or overcome these deficits. This study examined whether hearing impaired children with cochlear implants differed from hearing impaired children without cochlear implants or from hearing children. The three age-matched groups were compared on a non-verbal measure of cognition, the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised (LIPS-R), and a measure of behaviour, the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Apart from their scores on the Attention Sustained Subtest of the LIPS-R, the performance of the implanted group and the hearing group closely corresponded, while the hearing impaired children without cochlear implants performed below the level achieved by both these groups. There were no differences between any groups on the CBCL. It was concluded that hearing impaired children with cochlear implants were able to perform at the same non-verbal cognitive level as hearing children.