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Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1995) 39 (4): 203–207.
Published Online: 20 November 2008
...Liidia Litvinova; Atko Viru In Wistar rats after swimming for 3 h, the glycogen level remained low in the liver during a period of 7 h. When sucrose was administered immediately after exercise, the liver glycogen content increased rapidly. From the 3rd to the 5th postexercise hour a secondary...
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1988) 32 (3): 149–159.
Published Online: 19 November 2008
...J.M.M. van Amelsvoort; A. van der Beek; J.J. Stam Newly weaned male specific pathogen-free Wistar rats were fed semipurified diets containing sunflowerseed oil or palm oil and various types of carbohydrates, i.e. sucrose, maize starch or potato starch for at least 3–4 weeks. Fat cells were isolated...
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1989) 33 (1): 15–21.
Published Online: 19 November 2008
...Ian Macdonald Four groups of 6 rats were given ad libitum diets with over 60% of the energy as sucrose, fructose or glucose for 10 weeks, and were compared to animals given chow. Assessment of thyroid activity was made using metabolic rate, thyroid 123 I uptake, and serum thyroid fraction...
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1984) 28 (4): 226–230.
Published Online: 18 November 2008
... to in the content or advertisements. Metabolic rate Glucose Galactose Sucrose Lactose Maltose Ann. Nutr. Metab. 28: 226-230 (1984) © 1984 S. Karger AG. Basel 0250-6807/84/0284-0226S2.75/0 Differences in Dietary-Induced Thermogenesis following the Ingestion of Various Carbohydrates Ian Macdonald...
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1984) 28 (4): 253–260.
Published Online: 18 November 2008
...) and the second a sucrose-based diet (S) (66% sucrose w/w). The food-intake levels and the efficiency of storage of energy were thus comparable for the two diets. Though the fa/fa hyperinsulinemia decreased for the 4 weeks of experiment and was comparable with the (S) and (A) diets, the hypertriglyceridemia...
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1982) 26 (1): 66–72.
Published Online: 18 November 2008
...N. Sharief; I. Macdonald Fasting adult male rats were given, by orogastric tube, sucrose, glucose, glucose with fructose and water, and the metabolic rate for the ensuing 150–180 min was measured. It was found that there was an increase in metabolic rate after all sugars, greatest after sucrose...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1982) 26 (6): 374–383.
Published Online: 18 November 2008
...Celia A. Williams; Ian Macdonald Diets containing 80% by weight carbohydrate provided by lactose hydrolysate (prepared by two different techniques), sucrose or glucose were given to baboons for 10-week periods. Fasting blood samples were taken regularly and the serum was assayed for galactose...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1979) 23 (4): 327–334.
Published Online: 18 November 2008
...S.S. Kang The levels of ATP, ADP, AMP, inorganic phosphate and 2,3-DPG have been determined in blood and liver of normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats maintained for up to 11 months on a diet in which the sole carbohydrate source was either starch or sucrose. The feeding of sucrose to normal...
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1979) 23 (4): 301–315.
Published Online: 18 November 2008
...S.S. Kang; K.R. Bruckdorfer; John Yudkin Male Sprague-Dawley rats were given in one experiment diets with starch or sucrose and in a second experiment diets with glucose or fructose. In each experiment, one group of 5 rats was fed ad libitum and five other groups fed a 3-hour meal each day. After...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1975) 18 (3): 127–136.
Published Online: 13 November 2008
... the periods of formula diet rich in sucrose or maltose, total flora concentrations declined. These changes of total gut microflora were especially caused by the increase and decrease of the enterococci and enterobacteria, the bacteroides showing rather small changes. The concentrations of lactobacteria...
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1975) 18 (5-6): 283–293.
Published Online: 13 November 2008
...I. Macdonald; T. Rebello; Anne Keyser Weanling rats were given diets containing a high proportion of either glucose, sucrose or fructose until they reached 200 g weight, when they were either transferred to a control (chow) diet for 4 weeks or killed. The results were compared with rats receiving...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1975) 19 (1-2): 73–90.
Published Online: 13 November 2008
...A.R. Bourne; D.P. Richardson; K.R. Bruckdorfer; John Yudkin Female rats were fed from weaning on diets with sucrose, starch, glucose or fructose as the carbohydrate source. Animals were killed at various stages throughout pregnancy and early lactation. Maternal plasma triglycerides (TG...
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1975) 19 (5-6): 225–232.
Published Online: 13 November 2008
...K.R. Bruckdorfer; John Yudkin Seven litter-mate pairs of male crossbred pigs were fed diets in which 50 % of the dry weight was either corn starch or sucrose for 1 year. Unlike reports of two similar experiments published since our work was carried out, no lesions of the cardiovascular system were...
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1976) 20 (6): 461–470.
Published Online: 13 November 2008
...Sheldon Reiser; Judith Hallfrisch; John Putney; Frances Lev The weight and length of the small intestine and the intestinal transport of sugars and amino acids were determined in Wistar rats fed diets containing either 54% starch or sucrose ad libitum or in meals. The relative weight and length...
Journal Articles
Nutrition and Metabolism (1971) 13 (3-4): 172–177.
Published Online: 13 November 2008
...D.J. Naismith; N.A. Khan The substitution of sucrose for starch in the diet of the rat promotes a rise in the plasma cholesterol concentration which is largely confined to the esterified fraction. There is a concomitant rise in the activity of the enzyme lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase which...
Journal Articles