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Keywords: Iron bioavailability
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Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1994) 38 (4): 226–231.
Published Online: 20 November 2008
... absorption from a typical Tunisian meal, ‘couscous’, by extrinsic radioiron labeling in rats. Concentrations of 300,200 and 100 µg/ml of black tea decreased dramatically nonheme iron bioavailability from couscous, but 50 µg/ml did not influence iron absorption. The inhibition of nonheme iron from couscous...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1992) 36 (3): 135–140.
Published Online: 20 November 2008
... to in the content or advertisements. 59 Fe absorption Couscous Chickpeas Rat Iron bioavailability Original Paper Ann Nutr Metab 1992;36:135-140 *m . Hamdaoui T Dnehria / i. Tritarb National Institute of Nutrition and Physiology Laboratory of Nutrition, Faculty of Sciences. Tunis University, Tunis...
Journal Articles
Ann Nutr Metab (1986) 30 (5): 324–330.
Published Online: 19 November 2008
... or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Ascorbic acid Iron bioavailability Weaning foods Ann. Nutr. Metab. 30: 324-330 (1986...
Journal Articles