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Journal Name Change
Vol. 1-11 (1959-1969) were published under the journal's former title Nutritio et Dieta and vol. 12-24 (1970-1980) under Nutrition and Metabolism.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 1990, Vol. 34, No. 2
Original Paper
Estimation de la consommation moyenne de fibres alimentaires en France
Ann Nutr Metab (1990) 34 (2): 69–75.
Augmentation of Mouse Immune Functions by Dietary Restriction: An Investigation up to 1 Year of Age
Ann Nutr Metab (1990) 34 (2): 76–84.
Excess Dietary Methionine Decreases Indices of Copper Status in the Rat
Ann Nutr Metab (1990) 34 (2): 93–97.
Comparative Studies on the Effect of Vitamin A, B1 and B6 Deficiency on Oxalate Metabolism in Male Rats
Ann Nutr Metab (1990) 34 (2): 104–111.
Comparison of a Face-Mask and a Mouthpiece for Measuring Resting Energy Expenditure with the ‘Oxylog’
Ann Nutr Metab (1990) 34 (2): 112–118.