Background: Pregnancy is a dynamic state involving multiple adaptations that are necessary in order to ensure a continuous supply of essential metabolites to support the growth and the development of the fetus. Objectives: This review article is aimed to discuss important adaptations in metabolism that take place during non-complicated pregnancy. Materials and Methods: We searched the electronic database PubMed for pre-clinical as well as clinical controlled trials reporting the importance of metabolic adaptations during a non-complicated pregnancy. The preferred language was English and the most recent reports were selected to get an updated review. Results: It was observed clearly in the searched literature that metabolic adaptations are a crucial part of pregnancy, as they provide the mother with sufficient energy stores to meet the demands of pregnancy. These adaptions also help in preparing the mother for lactation and also help in providing proper environment for the proper growth of fetus in the womb. Moreover, multiple biomolecules including glucose, fatty acids, ketone bodies, hormones collectively contribute toward these metabolic adaptations. Conclusions: This review article concludes that metabolic adaptations are crucial for proper fetus development.

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